Make Peace: He's Got You

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That night was probably the best sleep Tommy had had since he left home.

He wasn't cold, his lungs didn't give out on him, he didn't keep waking up in the middle of the night, it lasted longer than 20 minutes.
It really was what he needed.

On the other hand; it was the most stressful night of sleep Phil has had since the first week after Kristin's disappearance.

He kept waking up carefully listening to the boy's breath. Every time it didn't sound right he'd carefully nudge him till he reentered a half-awake state. Once he did Phil would exaggerate his breathing. He'd do it until Tommy subconsciously matched his breathing before slipping back into unconsciousness.


Tommy woke up to soft whispers around him. He couldn't see them though.
Instead, he was met with the bare chest of their father figure and the grayish-purple wings keeping him in place and warm.

"Should we wake them? Won't Tommy, you know, suffocate?" Niki whispered.
"They really need the sleep though," Ranboo argued.
"Shut up b*tches," Tommy grunted burying himself further in the man's chest.

Tommy's fingers unintentionally brushed over an old scar as he moved his arms up from their admittedly awkward and numbing position. Phil's feathers poofed up around him, which was kinda funny.
The warmth was welcome though.

Wanting to see what would happen, Tubbo nudged a hand between the large appendage and Phil's side.
Phil's wing lifted, like how someone lifts a blanket as a silent welcome into their bed.

Tubbo slipped in, the wings closed around him. It still encased all three of them perfectly.
Tubbo let out a happy giggle onto to get a surprising, "Shhhh baby, just go to sleep," from Phil.
He sounded strained, concerned, but otherwise fine.

Tubbo pursed his lips together watching carefully as Phil continued to sleep and Tommy curled back up on top of his chest. Tommy smiled at the shorter.
"Welcome to the haven," Tommy yawned, and once more he was gone, lulled back to sleep by the heavy taps of water on the cave roof.

Tubbo gave a soft hum and joined them in their slumber party.
Ranboo chuckled and glanced between the other 3.
Niki shook her head, probably thinking to herself, before slipping back into the bathtub. Or bath hole?
The water no longer covered her as well as it had previously but it still encompassed her enough for her to breathe.

Ranboo shrugged and decided to try himself. He laid down on the opposite side of Tubbo, not even trying to snuggle up. Phil had other plans tho because his wing raised and nudged him into their cuddle pile.
"If I could, I would join you," Niki joked.
Ranboo chuckled happily curling up at the smaller's side and falling back into a slumber he no longer needed, the speckled burns a bit more noticeable over his skin.

Now, with efficiently the entire group before the twins came along back asleep, the twins didn't know what to do.
Techno huffed fidgeting with a strand of hair that had pulled itself out of his braid.
It was in an awkward place too.

Wilbur hoisted a full bucket of water up and carefully moved it to Niki's hole. He slowly dumped the new water into the hole, refilling it.
Would it be better to call it a well?

He took the now-empty bucket and 2 more empty buckets that they kept and motioned with his head to the younger to go to the mouth of the cave.
Techno grabbed one of his larger blankets and followed close behind.

They ducked under the creepily hanging clothes. Noticeably, Tubbo's cloak and Ranboo's shawl were the least wet out of all of them.

Their bare feet padded against the stone flooring of Techno's cave.
The only audible sounds in the cave were the pads of feet peeling off the stone ground, the growing in intensity and volume as they got closer to the mouth of the cave tapping of rain, and the sound of the 3 buckets clanking together in Wilbur's hands as they walked.

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