Out of the Hell

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Tommy rushed across the hot stone ground. Occasionally his feet would sink into a rather soft chunk of it and he swears it burnt his skin off.
It never did.
But it felt like it!

"What do I need to be looking out for, Jack?" Tommy asked.
"Piglins, Hoglins, Ghasts," Jack answered easily.

"Ok and what do those look like?" Tommy asked.

Tommy turned a corner and was met with 2 5'7 pigs standing on their hind legs. Tusks poked out of their bottom lip and rounded around large snouts. Thin angled eyes sparkled a dull red, very vaguely similar to Techno's red eyes.
Certainly less pretty.

Brown loincloths hung from their waists and the occasional gold jewelry hung off various parts of their body.
Large floppy ears perks and twisted at his arrival and they turned to look at him. Both holding large gold swords in hooved hands.
They rushed him, their hooved feet seemingly more resistant to the hot ground that seared at Tommy's feet.


In a moment of "Loading..... 70%" one of them sliced Tommy's arm and instinctively he grabbed what was in his pouch.

His hands wrapped around the gold and he threw the 2 pieces he had, hitting them in the faces.

Both dropped their weapon to catch the gold. They parrotted each other's movements as they studied the gold, shoved it in g*d knows where, and handed him 2 ender pearls.
Like what Ranboo has.

Then they retrieved their swords once more and Tommy knew his luck was out and he zipped past them. He laughed joyously as he evaded the 2 creatures, presumably piglins.

"I'm presuming Piglins are human-like pigs?" Tommy chuckled?
Jack chuckled back.
"Meet one?" Jack asked.
"2 actually," Tommy replied.

They both chuckled.
Sweat beaded at the nape of Tommy's neck as he ran.
Oh, running in the Nether is not fun!

In front of him, maybe 8 feet, a large almost mile and a half large gap separated him and his next target.
Ahead he could faintly see Jack by a black portal frame.

Tommy pushed forward, putting in all the force he could muster into launching him up and forward.

His patagium opened around him, the light from the lava below reflecting through his parachute leaving him in shadows that sparkled him in red as if it was some kind of jewelry.

He angled himself to land in a large black coal-ish structure, knowing he wouldn't be able to make it to where he initially intended.
His hand grazed the surprisingly cool black brick that made up the building.

He swiftly spun around and, with another running jump, he continued once more across the lava.

The heat beat at his skin greedily.
He fixed a pearl in his hand and with as much strength as he could muster he threw the first pearl for the landing closest to where he saw Jack.

He couldn't see directly below him without closing his ski- parachute.
But he could certainly feel it.
The hot orange gooey liquid was getting too close. Too close. Too close. Too close! Too close!

Suddenly it felt as if Tommy had been yeeted through the air.
He hit the hot ground landing firmly on his butt. Everything felt numb. Kind of like he was supposed to be asleep but hadn't been able to. Or like he was having some kind of allergic reaction.

His legs ached, his arms and neck were sore. Everything was blurred like he was having a heavy case of vertigo.
His lips felt swollen, his cheeks felt swollen, his ears rung with nothing. Even his throat felt the red hot ache and his stomach did flops.

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