The NeverEnding Fall

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It feels like forever ago now. Maybe it was. Although according to you, it's only been 7 years.

I wish I could remember their faces, you know? It would be so much easier if I saw any but yours nowadays.
And you don't even have a proper face, do you? You're just a blob of purple.
How amusing.

Here's what I remember though, I've had a lot of time to think about it.
1) I was the oldest in the group.
For the most part, it was a few 20 or so year olds and a few late teenagers.
A few of them grew up wrong. Like X who started the whole thing because he didn't want people like him to go through the same abuse he went through. Or Tango who lost his brother to a stupid decision and got cast out by his last living brother. I can not recall what his brothers' names were.

2) the group was called the Hermits.
I always thought it was an interesting choice. I used to always be reminded of Hermetic or Hermeticism when I'd hear the name. It's a philosophical system inspired by Hermes Trismegistus last I checked.
Though Greece isn't really around anymore so you probably don't know about that.
Pretty sure X and Ex had no clue either.

More specifically I was always reminded of "The Hermetic Art" also known as Alchemy. I'm sure you recognize that one. Though I'm pretty sure it is just a form of speculated thoughts instead of what our ancestors were accused of using.
Funny, huh? Mixing Witchcraft up for Alchemy.
Though I know for a fact people nowadays do it too. Who am I to judge, yeah?

I'm sure the name we used, "Hermits", originated from our location. Millions of miles away from civilization. A hermit, after all, is a person living in solitude. Although usually for religious purposes.
Still, Hermetic worked decently well for what the group did. Who the group consisted of.
I liked to take it as a double meaning. A fun little easter egg if you will. And although even after I explained it to the others, they still didn't understand, quite a few of them liked the double meaning too.

I remember a few of them used to write it as "Hermets" instead. I always felt listened to when I'd see that. I didn't speak much, didn't care to. So that was always cool.

3) I joined around the same time Mumbo did.
This might seem unimportant to you. I understand that.
But what is truly important is how much I raised that boy. Even before we joined the Hermits. He was set to be my heir. Next in line behind me in our kingdom.
At that time Doc was next in line for the ⋔⌇⟒⎐⟟⋏⏁⊬ Kingdom.

Yes, I know, weird name. But my Kingdom had been named ⎎⍜⟟⌰☊⊑⟟⎎⟒ so I have no room to judge. And neither do you, Kibbles.
Uh-huh, that's how we're playing.

Where was I? Uh, right! I practically raised Mumbo.
And sure, he had his own parents, and I technically had my own kid, but I still raised him and taught him as my own. Besides, my kid didn't make it to his 11th birthday.

But uh... Off-topic! Mumbo and I went to the Overworld together and we joined the Hermits together. However, I returned home alone. Mumbo was busy, doing something, that day. I don't know what, but honestly, I'm glad he was.

I doubt he would have survived falling with me.

Though occasionally, when I'm really lonely, I wish he had come...
But then I feel awful about it. He has a life to live. Everything ahead of him.
He was only 13!

Jeez, I'm off topic again, aren't I?


Anyways. I returned home after being with them for only 4 or so years. It wasn't supposed to be long.
I promised Xisuma I'd be back within the month.
I wonder if he got worried after I didn't come back or if he just thought I got caught up in my kingly duties. Which I still had at the time, mind you.

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