First Snow and a Child

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Smajor stayed inside for the night.
It was surprisingly cold.
Instead, he sat flush against the kids.
Jack shivered and every few minutes tried slithering underneath somebody.

They were going to need a new way to keep the boy warm.


"It's gonna snow soon," Luke commented his eyes closed as he faced up towards the sky.
Deo hummed in response eyeing below where Dan had rushed forward through the woods to someone.

Not that he cared what the adult did but...

"Where did Dan go?" Deo asked, Bitzel hummed his face buried in his arms as he laid stomach down on the roof.
"How are we supposed to know?" Bitzel asked with a soft grumble.

"Dunno, maybe you saw him leave," Deo huffed, "Or heard him say something."
Bitzel sighed and nodded, "I guess."

Luke chuckled and leaned against Deo's shoulder, trying to see what Deo was looking at.
"Should we tell them about the upcoming snow?" Luke asked.

"I'm sure they know," Deo responded easily.


"Do you know how to sew?" Tommy asked.
Niki paused thinking it over. She knew how to stitch designs into clothing to make it look like an existing object, but knowing how to sew in particular wasn't a very common thing in the water.
So she told him as much.

Tommy paused before grinning and rushing away.

He returned 10 or so minutes later with 2 different thick chunks of tree trunk.
He carefully placed them down and turned to Niki.
"You make designs on existing clothes or designs on fabric?" Tommy asked cautiously.

"Fabric," Niki responded and Tommy grinned.
"If I got you the right colors and fabrics would you make a design with these guys?" Tommy asked pushing the unfamiliar trunks towards Niki.

She gently reached forward to touch them.
They felt weird.

Like mushrooms, they were slightly squishy, and they reminded Niki of raisins with the indents and folds and layers. Not to mention their oddly soft wood texture.

It was clear it was still wood from a tree but it was softer than normal and could probably crumble in her fingers.
Yet when she tried squeezing one of them it stayed surprisingly firm.

"Most likely, yeah," she replied and Tommy grinned.
"Then ill get you what you need!" Tommy announced joyously and hopped up.

He paused and returned before even getting a foot away.
"I'm going to need these to color match them," he said sheepishly taking the purple-red and teal trunks before leaving again.


Tommy grumbled impatiently.
"What are you doing?" Tubbo asked with a yawn as Ranboo massaged his back.

"Trying to- d*mn it!" Tommy growled.
"Wanna swap?" Ranboo offered.
"Swap?" Tommy cocked his head.
A faint glowing blush crossed the Enderian's cheeks as the 2 made eye contact.

Ranboo quickly looked away, back to the slightly sticky ointment he was rubbing onto Tubbo's back.
"Yeah, you're trying to make fabric, right?" Ranboo rumbled.
Tommy nodded.

"I- we could swap and- well- I just thought-" Ranboo stuttered and looked anywhere but towards Tommy.
Oh g*d, he was making a fool of himself, wasn't he?

"Ok, but your hands are sticky?" Tommy hummed.
Ranboo perked up and hopped to his feet ready to trade places.

"I can rinse them off!" Ranboo assured as Tommy carefully traded places with Ranboo.
"Just massage his back and very gently break the shulk shell off," Ranboo instructed.
Tommy nodded eyeing Ranboo carefully as he pulled a chorus fruit from his bag and cracked it open.

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