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Phil soared high above his Fledglings, leading the way.
He constantly checked below him to make sure he had everyone. Sometimes mentally freaking out because he can't see the 5-inch boy before remembering he's 5-inches tall.

Occasionally he'd land and do a headcount.

There was Charlie who rambled nonstop to Sneeg and when Phil would land would hold up the Inchling proudly as if to say "LOOK HE'S LETTING ME HOLD HIM!"

There was Wilbur who was tugging Tubbo along behind him on a sled as large chunks of his shell occasionally fell off to reveal a sleeping teenager. Every time Phil would land Wilbur would point to the river and announce, "Sister!" While Niki popped up to wave and then moments later the umbrella that protected him from the sun would close around him and Fragrance man would snicker as he took his finger off the button innocently.

Then there was Fundy who trailed behind the rest, occasionally giving Phil a heart attack because he was so far behind but he could catch up easily enough. He focused more on what they didn't seem to have. Checking every crevice for something, looking for something.
He never found it.
And he never really acknowledged Phil when he landed, and just occasionally snapping his head to get a better look at him as his wings sparkled in the light.

They walked for a while. Almost an entire day.
All 8 of them were tired by the time the sun rose again.
Still, they tracked on.
"Maybe we should rest?" Fundy offered with a yawn.

"We rested an hour ago!" Wilbur whined.
"Yeah, an hour ago!" Fragrance man emphasized.
Wilbur grumbled.
"Well, I wanna keep going!" Wilbur announced.
"I can also keep going!" Niki encouraged.

Phil restlessly rustled his feathers.
The inchling was asleep on Fundy's shoulder. Fundy and Fragrance Man we're both exhausted. Charlie also looked rather tired, taking to sitting down as the group argued. Though it was mostly Wilbur and Fundy fighting with Schlatt and Niki backing them up.

Phil huffed and shot up into the air. He scanned the area and then, he saw the weirdest thing.

There, just barely in view was this large pillar. At the top was an odd asymmetrical platform that looked as if one wrong move would send it toppling. At Phil's fastest he'd be able to get there in an hour max, but he couldn't go his fastest, he had children to watch over.
It would probably take them 3 hours, 2 maybe?

Even though it was dark he could just about see someone standing on the pillar, pacing it.
Phil dropped down.
"10 minutes," Phil announced.
"Wha-" Wilbur stammered.
"10 minutes, take a seat. We're going to need the break," Phil informed before curling up under a tree where Charlie gladly joined him.

Once again the group's feet hurt. But this time, Phil was also walking. Occasionally he'd burst up into the sky and hovering over the group before returning.
He was more fidgety down below the treeline, especially when it got thick.

"Dad-" Wilbur once tried to convince the oldest to just start flying again but Phil just avoided it by starting up a conversation.

That conversation had slipped into something so far off the original plot, Phil doesn't even remember how he started it really, by the time Fundy had loudly shushed everyone.
His ears flick.



Three times.

"I hear singing!" Fundy announced breathy.
"Singing?" Wilbur asked straining his ears to hear anything.
No one else heard it.

"It- it sounds like-"

Suddenly the Renardian took off into a full-blown sprint.

"Wha-?!" Schlatt stammered.
What the f*ck just happened.
"Hey- fledgling, wait!" Phil called after the fox.
Giant wings opened and the group was pushed back by a gust of wind.

Together We Can, Alone We Will [Origins SMP/Modded SMP]Where stories live. Discover now