Head Home, My Beautiful Babies

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"We're coming home!" Jack declared excitedly.
Niki perked up.

She shook it off when an arrow sliced through the surface of the water.
She quickly returned to the hard ball that sat at the bottom of the small lake.

She circled it protectively as their family fought above them.

They were coming home.
That's good.


Techno grunted as he curled over himself once more to puke.
The rain was clearly about to start up again.

Techno waved the younger off with a huff.
"Go back inside, it'll start raining again soon," Techno informed standing up and taking in deep breaths.

Hesitantly Ranboo left the older to hide back inside the cave.
They had no clue where the sudden sickness came from. One moment he's just fine chilling with Ranboo the next he's heaving and rushing out of the cave to puke.

He stepped back inside the cave when the rain started back up.
Good timing.

He sat down across the teen. He pried his shirt off chucking it off towards the entrance and then chugged a bottle of water.
The taste didn't leave him alone though.

He let out a soft unsatisfied huff as he took another bottle of water out, gurgled some of it, moved so it'd be out in the rain instead, and spit it out.
"Maybe you should-" The Enderian began.
"Don't suggest I take a nap, kid. It ain't gonna happen," Techno scolded returning to his spot.

"I wasn't! I was going to... Suggest you eat some soup or something," Ranboo quickly rerouted it and Techno chuckled softly.
"Sure, the only problem is it's raining again," Techno replied.
Ranboo's eyes sparkled and Techno raised an eyebrow.

"I don't like that look. Ran, it will hurt you," Techno quickly shot whatever the idea was down.
Ranboo huffed.
"I know the rain will," He rolled his eyes and shifted a bit.

"Say, Techno?"

Ranboo pointed to the dark scar on Techno's abdomen.
"Where'd you get that?" He asked.
Techno bit his bottom lip anxiously, thinking of how he was supposed to explain to the 14-year-old what happened.

"I uh- I got myself into a bit of trouble. Bad trouble. They uh... They ended up attacking me and leaving me for dead..." Techno explained delicately.
"Oh?" Ranboo cocked his head.

"Yeah... Wilbur ended up finding me and helping me," Techno explained carefully.
"Aww, how'd he know you'd be there?" Ranboo asked perking up.
"He didn't, he stumbled across me and rushed to my aid," Techno replied.

"Wow, maybe it was twin instinct?" Ranboo teased.
Techno chuckled with a soft smile, a smile Ranboo had personally yet to see.
"Yeah, maybe....." Techno agreed softly his fingers tracing the sword scar.


Tommy and Jack slipped under an overhead landing. Jack slipped out from under the patagium with a soft sigh.
Tommy let out a soft grumble.
"No way I'm doing that the whole time," Tommy declared with a glare at the older.
"We can't just wait it out," Jack huffed.

Tommy bit the inside of his cheek.
He had no mon- wait!
"Jack do you have any gold?" Tommy asked.
Jack scoffed and pulled out almost an entire stack worth of gold.
"Of course, I'm from the Nether, remember?" Jack teased, back to shivering.

Tommy smiled.
"Great, here's what we're gonna do. We're going to go as fast as we can over to that store. Once there we are going to take refuge inside where I'm going to see if I can find you some kind of raincoat!" Tommy declared pointing to the store.
Jack nodded.

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