How To

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"Are you ok?" Jack asked.
Tommy looked extremely tired. Bags overtook his red-rimmed eyes, his nose was running, and he was shivering.
Still, he nodded.

Jack grumbled and pulled him under a thick tree. He pulled his arms out of the raincoat sleeves and into the torso.
He opened the coat and pulled Tommy close. He wrapped the coat around the rest of him.

Tommy seemed to freak, worrying about his wet patagium on water-sensitive skin.
"Wait- Jack!" He hurriedly tried to stop him.

They sat in silence for a while. At first, it was uncomfortable but Tommy couldn't help give into the warmth.
After 10 minutes of dormant cuddling for warmth, Tommy downright fell asleep on the poor Nether boy.

At first, Jack gave a soft smile, ready to settle down and give them both a break when his mind returned to one of multiple mentions of him not being able to sleep below a certain elevation.

And although he had no idea how to do that eye-letter-check-thing that Tommy was talking about Jack highly doubted they were high enough for him not to suffocate.

Making sure his hood was up, Jack hooked his right arm under Tommy, scooping him up off the ground.
With Tommy's head at his collar bone and his arms awkwardly at his side, Jack held him even closer and began to run as fast as he could with the boy to try to get to a higher elevation.

"Wake up....."

"Wake up...."

"Wake up!"


Smajor shot up, gasping for air. His arms sparkled as he shifted, the light hitting him differently with each movement.
Rain pelted heavily against the thin umbrella that had been positioned over him by his group.
There was no one else in the area.


"F*ck!" A soft voice of a man cursing followed by the crunching of a dead tree and rock smacking against other rocks as they tumbled down the side of the small mountain.


There was a soft grunt and then pure silence for a few beats.
Smajor pulled himself up, dislodging the dark-colored umbrella from its perch.

He shifted through the brush until he could see the person who made the sounds.
Or rather, people.

2 boys stood in the rain, mid-climbing up the side of the mountain he was perched on.
One was in a red dress, maybe they were a girl or non-Bi? Anyways- 1 was in a red dress with feathers in their short blond hair.
The other was in some kind of tan toga or something, definitely a guy if half of his bare chest was to go by. Smajor couldn't see his hair or face due to the angle and the large *ss bright yellow raincoat that covered him.

Mr.Raincoat was carrying the unconscious Red Dress up the side of the mountain.

Raincoat let out a sigh of relief and continued up.
Not even 7 steps later Red Dress began coughing.
"Tommy?!" Raincoat asked frantically.

Red Dress began heaving in his sleep and coughing violently, his entire body spasming.
Raincoat let out a series of squeaks of fear and began frantically rushing up the side of the mountain.

The coughing, hacking, and gasping continued, he stayed asleep.
It was obvious it bothered the sleeping boy but he didn't wake up.
Smajor dropped the umbrella and rushed to Raincoat's side.

He took Red Dress from Raincoat before the boy knew what was happening.
Smajor pressed a hand to Raincoat's back, gripping at it. Then, with a burst of energy and wind, they were at the top of the mountain, higher than where even Smajor had been resting.

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