A Fish Girl

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Niki stumbled over herself as she tried desperately to get away from the other Merlings.
She had made a stupid decision and now they were attempting to track her down. Well, she hadn't known it was a stupid decision at the time, she thought she could trust her professor after all, but in hindsight it was a pretty stupid decision. 

She weaved between buildings of prismarine and ducked into a small cave.
She hoped her pink hair wouldn't blow her cover.

Thankfully they rushed past and she was able to make her getaway. It took her a while, almost an entire hour, but she eventually made it to the surface of the water.

"Are you alright?" A male voice bounced off the walls of Niki's skull.
She faltered but recovered just in time to dart under the transition road.
She let out a soft sigh when nothing darted in her direction.
She swore she had seen something.

"Now's really not the time, Blaze Boy," Niki whispered.
"I talk to you when I'm in danger, why won't you talk to me?" The man teased in an almost whiny voice.
Even though they hadn't been talking for long, if Niki closed her eyes she could imagine what the boy looked like; his soft laugh paired with a soft tilt of his head and worry in his uncolored eyes.

She didn't dwell on it much.
"There's a difference. Your home is significantly more dangerous than mine is!" Niki proclaimed darting into a shallow river nearby.
It was a bad idea in terms of cover but it also meant she was less likely to be followed.

"Gotta hold my breath, hold tight," Niki informed before gathering as much water in her mouth as she could and sprinted across the floodplain before her.

"Why? Where are you headed?" He asked.
Niki jumped with ease into the pond with a sigh, taking in deep breaths at the different texture of water. Surprisingly, it was easier to breathe in the pond compared to the river. 
"I don't know yet," Niki replied, sinking to the shallow bottom of the lake.

The sand puffed around her body and she wished she hadn't taken that stupid stupid ball. She didn't even know what it was or what it was for! All she knew was the name her professor gave her before handing it off. But now someone in a different part of the world is talking to her and she's on the run from the government that had been stolen from the rightful heir. 

"Why not? You do something?" He asked, oblivious as ever.
"I stole the heart of the sea," Niki answered easily.
"The who-ba-what now?" He laughed.

Niki giggled to herself and fiddled with her floating hair.
Technically hadn't stolen the ball. Her professor had been letting her use it to talk with BlazeBoy for some sort of project when one day he rushed to her home and frantically handed it to her, "Niki, I need you to run! Don't stop until you are sure you and the Heart are safe. Do you understand me?" 
She had nodded, confused but trusting the Arctic Mer. He led her away before assuring her, "don't worry, someone will know what to do." 
 She wonders if it's even worth trying.

She gazed up at the surface. Sometimes she wonders what it would be like to be up there, in the sky. She heard stories about it from others, mostly from Professor Eghtifiiv who spoke of stories from his time on land. Sometimes she longs for it.
She doesn't say anything to Blaze Boy about it.

"What's the heart of the sea look like?" The boy asked.
"Round, blue, like a candy except far larger, inedible, and very powerful," Niki responded.
"Oh?" The boy chirped, his interest peaked, "What's a candy?"

"Maybe I'll show you when we meet," Niki hummed softly, knowing full well it was more likely they'd never be able to.
She paused any and all movements at the faint sound of travelers.
Dang it, she was hoping she could wait it out here.

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