Notes|Character Sheet: Philza

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Character Sheet: Philza (Phil) Watson

Character Sheet: Philza (Phil) WatsonElytrian31

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Art by: me

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Art by: me

Can you guess which bead represents who?


Philza got married 1 full year before his wife's disappearance.
He had been told that the first fight would be the worst part.....
He found out that they were dead wrong.

He had known Kristin Roselin since they were babies. Back when she was a bean that would glare at him challenging.

Kristin was taken from him on their 1 year anniversary, almost a week after their sons left to do their own thing for a little while.
Even in 10 years, Phil continues to refer to her as his wife and the love of his life.

To him, seeing Wilbur and Techno again is a sign that she is still out there and she won't be too far behind in returning into his arms.

His sister, Amelia, doesn't agree.
"Move on, Phil!" She insists, "I know you miss her but- it's been 10 years, she's not going to come back..."
Phil always blocks her out.

He always blocks her out.

"They never return alive after this long Phil. Not even before this whole sh*tshow," she reasoned quietly.

He never listens to her.

Phil, even with Elytrian's claustrophobia, finds sleeping in caves fun. Usually, because it gives him that sense of security that he's protecting a fledgling or hatchling from a preditor. Even if he knows he's all alone in the cave.
Sometimes, when the sun rises, he'll wait at the mouth of the cave for the hatchling to crawl out. Sometimes he'll wait for hours, ready to scoop the kid in his arms and reassure it that they'll go back home to momma in a moment. He realizes what he's doing. How mentally damaging waiting for a kid that doesn't exist and promising to bring it to a mom that is long gone is. He knows. But he can't stop himself. He knows what he's doing, but he also knows that the moment he leaves that cave the moment reality will settle in that he doesn't have a child with him and he doesn't have a wife anymore.
So instead, he'll just wait just inside the lip of the cave motioning for the hatchling to come waddling into his arms.

Kristin was 5 months pregnant when she disappeared. The young boys are only 4 years older than their boy would've been. He likes to think his boy would've looked and acted kind of like Tommy. With his blond hair and blue eyes and rambunctious attitude.
No doubt he would have had purple wings.

To Phil, Tommy is his son.
To Tommy, Phil is a makeshift father.
A stand-in for the one who sent him out on his own.

Sometimes Phil wishes the children had a way to fly with him. He always wanted to teach a fledgling to fly.
Too bad Amelia is older than him.
D*mn her.

Techno's scar is a sooty black like Wilbur's hands and feet, but his lips are also a very faint similar color.
Wilbur saved Techno from dying inside a, dimly lit with a candle, cave.
The people he had been with had been threatening to kill his family and making him do their dirty work. He did one thing wrong to inform the cops, get them arrested, and he got stabbed/attacked for it.
They did go to prison.

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