Together The Twins | Reunited pt 2

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"Where are we going?" One of you asked.
"We're finding Wilbur!" Another answered.
"Didn't Phil go to Wilbur?" One asked.
"No, Furry meant the Child!" Another replied matter of factly.

"I thought we stopped calling him that after [Word censored]" another commented.
"Shhhhh!" Was the collective response from half of you.
The other half of you cocked your heads in collective confusion.

"What's [word censored]?" One of you confused ones asked.
They got no response. A unanimous decision to not talk about it.

You all landed on a tree. It barely wavered by the weight of a few hundred crows sitting on it.
Below you stood Will I Am Soot. Or like half of the murder called him, Ghostbur.

"Danny Phantom!" One of you declared.
Which promptly started a chain of
"Buh da da dah dah duh duh duh bah duh!"
"He's a Phantom!"
"Danny Phantom!"
"Young Danny Phantom-"
"He was just 14!"

It wasn't very well coordinated and from Wilbur's perspective, it just sounded like a bunch of very angry crows yelling at him.
Though he knew it was probably from Phil so he had no reason to be worried.

"What the f*ck?" Fundy stammered, staggering out of the woods with Charlie practically on his tail.
Wilbur didn't even look down at them, waiting for a cue.

For something to happen.

Finally, one of you, a smarter one I'm sure, decided to take charge.
You began @ing people and giving directions.
Meanwhile, the rest of you that weren't being @ed were still going at it.

"He's gonna catch 'em all-"
"Cuz he's Danny Phantom!"
"I wanna be the very best!"
"That no one ever was!"
"When it didn't quite work his folks-"
"To catch them is my real test!"
"They just quit!"

"How did we start a new theme already?"

About 20 of you went off to find Schlatt and Sneeg. 10 went out to find Tubbo.
And 20 went out to find Techno and Ranboo. Meanwhile, the final 47 of you stayed and chanted the Pokemon and Danny Phantom theme songs.

"Ok, who's gonna say it?" One cut in.
"Say what?" Another asked.
"Guys, it's Danny Fenton..."


The remaining group of crows who had at some point settled in an ominous ring around Wilbur, Charlie, and Fundy all slowly turned to a single crow who blinked awkwardly back. A moment later all of them were loudly screaming at this one poor crow.

These were supposed to be their babysitters?

You found Schlatt on the ground. A zombie limping towards him. 4 more pairs of arms were added to his body than he had only 30 minutes ago. How had he gotten them? Wtf?

Still, most of you understood what this meant.
Phil had talked of Arachnids a few times before.
But Schlatt- oh sorry, my bad, Fragrance Man being one? That was new.

Barely wasting bated breath you swooped down at the Zombie who groaned and swiped. You're too small.
Sneeg could probably take him too, but he's kind of busy hiding under Schlatt's weird priest necktie. Why does he even have that? He's like the least priest person here?

Different life decisions compared to [words censored].
Eventually, the thing fell. Disappearing in a ball of flames as you pushed it into the sun's deadly rays.
One of you might have made a stupid comment like, "so the sun was the thing killing us all along!"
But it was drowned out by everyone else cyberbullying the men.

The cyberbullying wasn't very effective though. Especially considering the men couldn't exactly hear it other than obnoxious tweeting.
Still, Sneeg thanked the crows and Schlatt simply said, "f*ck you."
Which I guess was good enough for now.

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