The Disproportionate Life of SneeeegSnaaag

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Sneeg wiggled himself out of his gigantic spider-human companion's pocket. He was still asleep. It was about time for their galaxy boy to come to bed too. Though much to his surprise, he didn't have to wait because Smajor was already there, singing a soft lullaby for someone long past asleep.

"Good morning Sneeg," Smajor greeted softly his accent thick.
"Good morning Sma-" Sneeg slid off Schlatt and into the soft material of the nest floor, immediately sinking him, "ajor!"
Smajor snickered and his hand very carefully scooped the small man up, keeping him in the palm of his hand.

"You know, you sure do sleep a lot," Smajor commented, yawning.
Sneeg yawned in retaliation.
Stupid big man. Jerk. Making him yawn.

"Easy to get tired," Sneeg replied curling up in the man's dark hand.
Extremely glad for his inability to see because he was right beside one is his stars, which he could tell by the white outline blurring his vision.

"You are right on a star dear," Smajor chuckled carefully nudging the small man, trying to make sure the thing didn't blind him.
The single finger pushed the boy's entire body at least 2 millimeters to the side.

Aka, the dude just shoved him a few feet to get him away from a blinding star that he cannot see.

Honestly, he was surprised none of them had noticed his lack of sight before.
I mean, he has sight. Just not the same kind.

He has inchling sight. Just like spiders born in caves, they're blind. They had other ways to help them out of danger. Like his enhanced smell, hearing, and touch.
Speaking of touch, Smajor's hand was very oddly soft today.

"You're hand's very soft," Sneeg commented bluntly.
"Uh, thank you?" Smajor chuckled.
"You're welcome. Is it about time for sleep?" Sneeg asked.
Smajor chuckled and shifted onto his back, very carefully placing his hand to his chest so Sneeg could climb off it onto his chest.

Sneeg settled on a button while Smajor stared up at the slowly retreating night sky.

This was the schedule. Sneeg would wake up, bask in Smajor's presence, fall asleep on his chest, usually on his first or second button.

Sneeg woke up once more 3 hours later, refreshed. He clicked his tongue and waited, listening.

Smajor's body buzzed ever so slightly below him, it was slow, its usual pace when sleeping. Then there was the crackling of fire which meant the second soft breathing sounds were Jack's.
Phil was about 24 feet above them, his wings causing a slight draft and their beats alerting him of his presence.

Below them, he heard the faint sounds of an Enderman shriek meaning someone accidentally looked Ranboo in the eyes and he was not prepared for it.
He heard Fundy's faint laughter and the splauching of Charlie as he moved around. Very quiet 'I'm so sorry's made it obvious who had startled the 15-year-old.

Sneeg climbed up. He left the button and slid off Smajor, landing in the soft best, once more disappearing amongst the feathers, wool, and thin sticks.
He easily climbed through the mess and cams out at the ladder.

He pressed a foot to the side of the ladder, making sure he stuck, before pushing himself off the top and began his walk down.
It took him nearly 3 hours to get to the ground. He was tired and already done with life, want to just curl up on Smajor's buttons again and sleep.

He paused near the end of the ladder as someone walked up.
The soft sound of fur brushing against grass was his main indication that his favorite sleeping place had just squatted down to look at him.
Smajor looked up at him and grinned.
"Fundy! My boy!" Sneeg greeted opening his arms as if going for a hug.
Which is quite ridiculous considering he was the size of the man's palm.

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