Notes: Ages pt 2

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Ages in this are kind of fluctuated a bit. Usually aged down, though there are a few exceptions.

Let's begin

Grian, Elytrian, Current Holder
Grian is 22, a few months older than Techno and Wilbur, he met his first parrot friend 7 years ago(15), it's been 6 years since he got his gem and joined the Hermits(16), won the Elytrian Program 5 years ago(17), it's been 3 years since the Hermits split(19), he started going on AIR and on WEB when he turned 20 a few months later.

Tango, Blazeborn, Current Holder
Tango is 28, he got his gem 13 years ago, 10 months later he found the Nether Star(15), he left the nether because of the star 3 months later (16), joined the hermits 10 years ago(18), He left the group 4 years ago when he was acquainted title of King(24), the rest of the Hermits split up 3 years ago(25).

Beef, Merling, Current Holder
Beef is 33, he got the Heart of the Sea and met Etho 11 years ago, he joined a group of travelers called MindCrack a few months after finding out Etho existed(was their official meet)[22], he got his gem 9 years ago and joined the Hermits a month later(24), the group split 3 years ago(30).

Wels, Avian, Current Holder
Wels is 25, he got the Book of Vines/The Vines/The Book 12 years ago he left the mountain with Hels a while later(13), he got his gem 10 years ago(15), he joined the Hermits 9 years ago(16), the group split 3 years ago(22), he joined the guard a few months after returning home(23).

Etho, Phantom, Current Holder
Etho is 24, he got the Conduit and met Beef 11 years ago, he joined a group of travelers called MindCrack a few months after finding out Beef existed(was their official meet)[13], he got his gem 9 years ago, 4 months after Beef, he joined the Hermits (15), the group disbanded 3 years ago(21).

DocM, Enderian, Current Holder
Doc is 34, Doc got the Beacon 13 years ago(21), he got his gem when he returned to the overworld 2 years later, he joined a group of Travelers called Mindcrack 5 months before Etho and Beef joined(23), he joined the Hermits 9 years ago(25), the group disbanded 3 years ago(31).

Cleo, Human, Current Holder
Cleo is 27, Cleo got her gem 13 years ago(14), her skin started rotting 11 years ago(16), she joined the hermits 10 years ago(17), the Hermits separated 3 years ago(24), became a pirate a year later(25).

Xisuma, BeeShulkian, Current Holder
Xisuma is 31, he got his wings 16 years ago, he got his gem a few days later(15), He started the Hermits 15 years ago(16), the first member joined 11 years ago(21) the group split up 3 years ago(28).

False, Feline, Current Holder
False is 30, joined the Hermits 9 years ago(21), got her gem a year later(22), won the Championships 5 years ago, and has been the reigning Champ since(25), the group disbanded 3 years ago(27), she went with Cleo onto the sea as a pirate a year later(28).

Jevin, Slimecician, Current Holder
Jevin is 25, Jevin got his gem 4 years ago(21), he joined the Hermits 2 years ago(23)

Ren, Renardian, Current Holder
Ren is 26, Ren got his gem 15 years ago(11), he met Doc 4 years ago(23), he joined the Hermits 1 year ago(25).
[Note: Doc occasionally calls Ren "Pup" because he knows when he got his gem]

Gemini, Arachnid, Current Holder
Gemini is 23, she got her gem 3 years ago(20), and joined the Hermits 2 months ago.

Cub, Beelarian, Current Holder
Cub is 31, he got his gem 10 years ago(21), he joined the hermits 9 years ago(22), he became the King of the Beelarians 4 years ago(27), the Hermits split up 3 years ago(28).


Hypno, Elytrian, Heir
Hypno is 34, Met his first Eagle friend 27 years ago(7), Hypno joined the Hermits 11 years ago(23), the group split up 3 years ago(31), he stayed with Xisuma after the split up until the group got back together.

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