50 Shades of Grier (2)

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Alright this is the real smut XD


As soon as I reached arm width of him, he latched his hands onto my waist and pulled me down into his lap. His breathing was slightly uneven, but everything else seemed to be the same.

I felt a little awkward, but the anticipation building up inside of me was much greater. He pulled my hips forward ever-so-slightly, and then pushed them back. I got the message fairly quick, and continued on the motion on my own.

I felt a bulge growing between my thighs, and a pool forming just above it. He took his bottom lip in between his teeth and bit it, his eyes fluttering shut. "J-Just like that, (Y/N). Just like that." His words encouraged me to go faster, so I sped up, and his eyes shot open.

He abruptly stopped my hips and gave me a stern look. "Did I ask you to take your own pace?" He asked, pulling my ponytail backwards. I had to admit, it was pretty sexy.

"N-no." I stuttered.

"Then why did you disobey my simple instructions?" He questioned.

"I-I don't know Mr. Grier." He snapped his eyes down to mine.

"It's sir, to you." He retorted, flipping me over and laying me across his lap. I could only anticipate what was coming next, he seemed to be full of surprises.

I nodded, "Sorry, sir." I apologized, as he rolled up my skirt. He seemed to accept my apology, and I thought so too until I heard a smack. I heard it before I felt it, the cracking of a hand against my skin, like a whip of some sorts. The sound was delicious, and the short burst of pain turned me on more than I expected. He gave me a couple more swats before rubbing it over and flipping me back around to face him.

"You're forgiven." He said, as he lifted me up on to his desk. As soon as I was seated, he quickly unfastened his belt, jumping out of his pants.

He reached over and removed my skirt and panties, and with his fingertips, he spread my legs open, leaving me exposed to him. He took a step back, and stood there, palming himself through his boxers as his eyes fluttered shut. He let out a deep groan, and slowly reopened his eyes. He pulled his boxers down and let his length out, hitting his chest.

"See what you do to me, princess?" He asked, rubbing it up and down with his own hand. I bit my lip and my eyelids hung. He yanked my hair back. "Answer me." He demanded.

I sighed, "Yes, sir." I answered. He seemed content and stood in front of me.

"What would you like me to do to you?" He asked sensually. I bit my lip and responded, "I-I want you, Sir." He tsked. "You'll have to do better than that."

"I w-want you and your hands and your mouth just please, Sir, please. Give it to me, I'm begging you, Sir." I answered once more. He groaned, and walked in between my legs, then grabbed me around my hips and quickly flipped us over.

He reached into a hidden drawer in his desk and pulled out a condom, and quickly put it on. "Maybe some other day, Princess. But we don't have much time and I have a meeting to make up for, so I'll just take you my way, okay?" He proposed, rubbing his tip around my aching core.

I moaned out, and nodded. "Yes, sir!" I practically moaned. His eyes grew even darker, darker than the deepest parts of the uncharted ocean floor.

"You know, usually I'd have that pretty little mouth of yours gagged shut, but since we aren't at my house...." he began, but instead of finished he plunged into me, causing both of us to moan out in pleasure.

"Shhh, you'll have to keep quiet, princess. We can't get caught." He stated, slapping my ass a couple times to remind me of my punishment. I

leaned back against him and met every thrust, lifting up my hips a little and creating a new angle that felt heavenly.

"Y-Y/N!" He moaned out, pounding into me harder than ever. The knot in my stomach was beginning to feel as if it was being tied even tighter than it was before, yet feeling amazing.

He suddenly pulled out, and flipped me over, so I was laying on my back, and took me once again.

"S-Sir!" I called out, barely being able to speak with the immense amount of pleasure I was feeling. He groaned at his name, and seemed to pick up the speed. It was amazing, I could barely believe this was happening.

My eyes began to flutter close, but he reached under me and slapped my butt.

"Eyes. Open." He commanded between grunts and thrusts. I obeyed his command, locking eyes with him as he kept thrusting at a insane pace.

"S-Sir! I-I'm going to-" I started but barely finished as his hand made contact with my clit, rubbing up and down. That sent me into overdrive, and soon enough I couldn't contain my moans, thrashing all over the place.

I clenched my walls against him and he moaned out. I repeated my actions multiple times, until he too began to lose control.

"Do not come until I say." He said sternly, working himself up more.

"G-god, I've been wanting to do this since I saw you walk into the room." He admitted, pounding at the same pace.

"Come." He commanded, and it took that word only to push me over the edge. I let go, and tumbled into a mountain of sheer pleasure. I felt his thrusts become sloppier as he let go too, letting out a deep moan. He pulled out and trashed the condom, and helped me on to my feet, holding me until I regained my balance.

We redressed ourselves, making each other presentable to everything outside his office. As I gathered my things, he slipped me his business card.

"But I already have your information, sir." I said, questioning why he handed it to me. He motioned that I should flip it over, and on the back was his personal number. I smiled towards him, and we proceeded to walk towards the door.

"I hope we can meet again, it was a pleasure to spend time with you." I praised, trying to sound polite. He opened the door and held it open for me as I walked out.

"Of course, (Y/N). Don't forget, we aim to please."



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