Too far --- Cameron

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MMA fighter Cameron goes a little too far after one of his matches.

Ding! The bell rang, indicating the end of the third round.

I looked at Cameron from the front row. He knew this was an easy win and didn't have to worry that much. He looked back at me and nodded. Signaling that it was gonna be okay.

Being Cam's girlfriend isn't easy at all. The constant worry that he is gonna come home one night almost beaten half to death, because the loser couldn't handle loosing. Or always having to aid him back to health after a gruesome fight. Some days I don't even see him. He gets home in the early morning and leaves before I wake up. Most of the time I didn't even go to his matches because I couldn't handle him being beaten like that.

I saw Cameron get knocked down and I looked away. Seeing the love of your life like that wasn't something I enjoyed seeing. Cameron got back up and took him down. Blood was all over the cage and I am pretty sure he knocked out one of the guys teeth.

Two more rounds went by and Cameron had won. The ref held up Cameron's hand and he was quickly ushered away by his trainer. I got up and made my way to where Cameron was located, trying to make as little contact with others as possible. I spotted him and his trainer talking, as I got closer they stopped talking. "Babe, we gotta go now. We can celebrate later." Cameron said, grabbing my hand.

I was used to this. We usually had to leave matches as slyly and quickly as possible when Cameron won. The loser always threatened to beat Cam's ass or even worse kill him.

Once some guy brought me into it and lets just say the guy didn't even look the same after Cameron was done with him a second time. We made our way out the back and were a couple feet from the car when we heard a voice yell. "Hey, hot stuff! Why don't you get your sexy ass over here and play with a real man." Cameron froze. He let go of my hand and pushed me towards his trainer. He walked over to the man and got in his face. "What the fuck did you just say to my girlfriend?" The man smirked. "You know what I said, and the offer still stands." He said looking over Cam's shoulder and winking at me. I shivered and looked away. Cameron took a step back and in a instant his fist was connected the man's jaw and he was down.

By now people were gathered around. Getting their phones out ready to record. Everybody itching to see famous MMA fighter Cameron Dallas beat someone for real. Cameron got a few more hits in before the man uppercutted Cam. Everybody's ohhhs and hell yeahs somewhat muted the sirens in the distance. Cameron got back up and pounced on the guy sending them both to the ground. Cam pinned the guy down and started punching him in the face repeatedly.

I could hear the sirens just down the road now and there was nothing I could do to stop the fight. The police pulled into the alley and the crowd quickly dispersed. Cameron's trainer pulled him off of the man and tried to hid him before the cops knew what was going on, but it was too late. "Sir. Put your hands where I can see them." I started to panic I knew one of these days Cameron was going to get thrown in jail for this. An officer walked over to Cameron put him in handcuffs. "You have the right to remain silent." The officer started to read him his rights. Everything was going by so fast and I couldn't process anything.

"He fucking tried to get my girl. I am not going to calm down. Let me go god dammit!" All I could hear was police sirens. The constant blaring in my ears distracted me from the real problem. Cameron. I looked back behind me to see a police officer putting Cameron in the back seat of the patrol car.

A officer came towards me and pulled out a pocket tablet and pen. "Miss, do you know what happened here?" I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. All I could think about was Cam.


Credit goes to --omahahomies on tumblr

This is for Cameron and his birthday (9/8/94) 20 years, I wasn't ready for this

But have you seen the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus! Jesus, I don't know what life is anymore...

- Edelyn xx

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