I love you | Cameron

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Cam's POV:

How do I tell someone that I love them? How do I explain to someone that they're your whole world? How can I express that Sammi is the moon, the sun, and all the stars to me?" I sigh then look up at Nash, who has a look of concentration on his face.

"I honestly don't know, Cameron... If I know Sammi, which I do, you jut have to show her and make her feel the love you have for her..." He said as honestly as he could.

"Just make love to her, man, girls love that slow shit." Sam laughed, looking on his phone.

"She's more than just a girl to me, Sam!" I roll my eyes annoyed, he isn't takin this as serious as it is.

"Hey man, I'm sorry. Just buy her stuff and take her to the fair. Tell her when you're at the top of the Ferris wheel, be as cliche as possible and she'll love you." He shrugged, putting down his phone, "I saw it in a movie once." I just looked at him. He could be right.

"I mean it could work, but will Sammi like that?" I wondered aloud.

"I don't know, Cameron! Go and find out goddamnit!" Sam yelled out, having enough of the conversation

"Surely she will, all girls do..." Nash shrugged, going on his phone like Sam was

"But she's not all girls, she's Sammi." I sighed defeated, running my fingers through my hair

Sammi's POV:

"How do you know when a guy loves you?" You ask all your friends as you all sit around in a circle eating random junk food and various snacks.

"Ooh, is this about a certain little photoshoot God named Cameron?" Your friend, Amelia, asked. You blushed a little.

"Well um, yeah.. We are dating ya know?" You pushed it off but your cheeks burned.

"Mhmm." Your friends hummed teasing you, all together.

"Just shut up and tell me!" You said blushing.

"Um well... I can't tell you really but... We'll watch some cheesy romance movies and they can tell us." A suggested, putting her phone down next to her thigh

"Okay." You smiled, nervous for this. What If your feelings we're mutual? What if you loved him more than he loved you? What if he didn't love you at all actually?

You sighed and turned to the tv as your friend put in 'The Vow'.

Cam's POV:

"Just tell her, it's only three little words." Hayes said shrugging it off my shoulders, like it was no big deal.

I've doubt he ever said that to a girl besides his mother.

I rolled my eyes, "It's not just three little words, Hayes. I should've known better than to ask a 14 year old anything about love." I sighed and hung up the phone.

C'mon Cam.. Text her, you can do this. I inhaled and exhaled deeply pulling my phone out. I quickly dialed her number deciding a call would be better.

Sammi POV:

I grabbed my ringing phone off the counter and answered it, tears running down my face.

"H-hello?" You sniffled.

"Hi, Sammi!" Cams cheery voice rang out. You immediately straightened up and sniffled, "Have you been crying? Are you getting sick??" Cam quickly questioned.

I laughed and wiped your eyes. "No, babe, I'm just watching The Vow, you know what that movie does to me."

He laughed, "That I do, so um, wanna come to the fair with me tonight?" He asked, his voice almost nervous.

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