Matt | One Hundred

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You're dating Matt and whiles he's off to a meeting you invite Cam and your childhood best friend Nash over.


"Hey, babe," I heard Matt's voice as he quietly said next to my ear as I felt his breath on my neck. It was something I loved waking up to. Matt's voice.

Just Matt in general.

I opened my eyes slowly and rolled over so that I am facing him.

He was already up and dressed for the day.

I sat up and ran a hand through
my probably birds nest looking hair and rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I yawned.

"Good morning," I said with a smile. My voice was still groggy due to my recent awakening. Matt smiled at the sound of my voice.

He's feeling a bit cheeky today.

"Good morning my beautiful girlfriend," He says and comes over and kisses my forehead which resulted in another smile on my face. "I wanted to say a proper goodbye before I left," He says as he pulls back from my forehead.

"Oh! That's right you have your meeting today!" I practically shouted at him with wide eyes as I remembered. I threw off the covers and jumped out of the bed. I sudden reaction caught Matt by surprise and he jumped back a bit, but I hardly noticed as I rushed into the kitchen to make him something to eat.

"Jasmin, it's okay. I already ate, you don't have to make me breakfast," He says with a chuckle as he comes into the kitchen of the apartment we shared.

You had been living together for the past 8 months. You and Matt couldn't stand to be separated from each other and your parents allowed you to stay with him, with the exception that you call them at least every once in a while so they knew you were alive and that you visited for holidays.

You grew up in North Carolina with Nash, your best friend. It was kind of ironic actually. You and Nash were best friends growing up, mainly because your moms were best friends. You both moved to California when you got older.
However you moved to different parts of California. You still saw Nash though. Because you were 16 when you guys moved you were allowed to hang out.

That was how you officially met Cameron, your other best friend. Nash always had Cameron over at his house in California and at first you were intimidated by him because you thought Nash would replace you with Cameron and you didn't like Cam.

But once you got to know him, you found out that you guys have a lot in common and now you guys are best friends.

Weird how it all worked out, and now you're dating Matt.


Just Matt alone.

Matt made you smile. Matt may not be your source of happiness, that came from you, but he made it so much better than anyone ever could.

You had met all the guys through Nash pretty much. You all grew close but you couldn't help but know that the relationship/friendship between you and Matt was different. Sure, all the guys flirted with you, Nash and Cam the most because you spent the most time around them out of all the guys, excluding Matt.

But the way you and Matt flirted...It was different. The consistent shameful flirting and the way you two looked at each other couldn't go unnoticed.

And here you are now.

In the kitchen with your loving boyfriend and your best friend. Sure Nash and Cam were your best friends. But Matt was your best friend and you were his.

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