Jack G Imagine

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Break Up Tweet

"Babe, you want Noodles?" Jack asked you as he already got out the and started boiling it

"Is it the chicken kind?" You asked Jack, lifting your eyes above the couch checking everything out.

"Always the chicken kind..." Jack said leaning on the countertop checking out the water. "Did you find new episode of the Walking Dead?"

"Yeah, season 5, right?" you asked to Jack as you checked the title again on the DVR. "Episode 1"

"Alright you could start it because it always does a 3 minute ad before the episode has a chance to give the intro" Jack summed up as he hovered over the boiling water.

You shrugged your shoulders because you honestly didn't believe that they put a 3 minute ad before the intro started, it sounded like bs.

You never really caught it because you always saw the episode on time and never really noticed the ad, when it came up.

When the 3 minute ad finished, Jack came with two bowls of soup and he sat down on the couch with you.

"This is a lot of soup" you said playing with the noddles as you heard yelling and screaming, coming from the TV.

You thought this would be the perfect time to tell Jack your moving to India with your parents, back to 'start a new and better life'.

"Jack..." You sighed, wishing there was a better way to say this. Jack turns his head in your direction and looks at you while eating his soup.

"I'm moving to India..."

Jack drops his spoon into the bowl semi full with water. The hot water splats everywhere even on Jacks face but he doesn't move or flinch. He just stares at you.

The screaming and bullets firing got louder and louder then Jack put the TV on mute and turned his entire body to face you.

"Your joking right? Please tell me your joking..." Jack coughed out, it seemed like he had a cold that just appeared out of nowhere. He swallows something and then looks back at you.

"It was a piece of noodle, wad in my throat"

You look down to the floor and smile. Your going to miss his humour.

"I'm not joking. I'm moving tomorrow. I wanted this whole week just for us, but this was the only time you weren't busy" you stated to Jack, looking into his eyes.

"No! This can't be your last day" Jack said standing up and running his fingers through his hair, classic thing that he does when he's frustrated.

It's hard blaming this on him but its true. For 3 weeks, I've been trying to get this last week together, but he's been busy with doing skits with Nash, photo shoots, making YouTube videos and being there for his friends.

I honestly didn't know what to say to him.

"It is. I have to be home by 10. I'm leaving at 1 for the plane" you said to Jack looking on your phone for the time -- 9:10pm.

"So are we breaking up?" Jack said looking at you, sincerely and innocently.

You look away. You always hated those words. Why go out with someone just to break up with them. The whole point if going out with someone is hoping you spend your entire life with them, not to break their heart.

"Yes. Jack. I'm sorry" you said, still looking away hoping your pa will honk his horn to take you away of this awkward moment.

Jack was about to say something but a horn interrupted him. The horn honked again and you instantly knew that was your father.


Jack kissed your lips. Not angrily, or hard, or like he wanted it to go somewhere. But it was soft, gentle and sweet.

You both pulled away slowly from each other.

You embrace Jack into a hug.

"Ill miss you with all of my heart" Jack whispered back to you.

"I'll be back and we can watch WD together" you whispered back.

"Soon and always?"

"Soon and always..."

You let go of Jack and walk out the front door to your fathers car.

Your father drives off without starting a conversation between you guys. You just stare out the window, looking at the familiar block just disappear within seconds.


In the airport you finally get your seat and you go on twitter.

Jack posted a new tweet
You instantly go to Jacks profile and see his recent tweet.

Jack_Gilinsky: I feel like there's a big part of me missing without you here 😪


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