Johnson | Lay Me Down

676 18 3

DAY 14

Lay Me Down | (Y/N)

"(Y/N).... Sunshine. Wake up"

I moan and groan.

"(Y/N)... Baby. We have to go"

I groan and moan.

"Baby, please..."

I finally open my eyes. I see Johnson over my shoulder, dressed already. I blink my eyes a few times to make sure this is real. I checked my phone for the date. Today's the day.

The day Johnson leaves for 3 months to do 2 tours in Europe and another week to do photoshoots for his next tour.

"No, I don't want to..." I said softly almost about to cry.

"(Y/N), please. Don't cry. I want to get this over with" Johnson said to me as I rub my eyes of my tears. "Can I lay down by your side?"

I nod my head with no hesitation. I make an open space on my bed and Johnson jumps in.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of you" Johnson said as he pulled me into a side hug.

"Jack, I don't wanna be here if it's not by your side" I said into the space of Johnson's neck. Johnson rubbed my back and comfort me.

"I'll be back in 3 months, I promise. Please don't cry when I'm gone" Johnson said to me. I nod.

"I'll try too but I'll be crying for 3 days maybe" I told him as he hopped off of my bed and helped me off.

"No, (Y/N) please. I don't want you to cry..." Johnson said softly to me. "Can you take a shower please? My flight leaves in 8 hours..."

I nod my head and head into the shower.

I strip my clothes and went to take a hot shower.

Johnson seems so clam, why? I've never seen him so calm before or heard him talk so slow and barely audible. Is it because he doesn't want me to cry or he doesn't want himself to cry?

It was currently 10 something and he has to be on his flight by 6 to go to

I finally finish taking my shower and change into my clothes.

I put on my red cropped like sweatshirt and blue skinny jeans that stops at your ankles.

I check myself in my mirror and I hold my chest. I'm missing something. A necklace.

I check my drawers for the necklace that Johnson bought me.

I put my hair in a messy loose bun and put on some sneakers.

I walked down the steps and I see Johnson over the counter running his fingers through his head, looking over his phone.

"Jack?" I asked softly as I walked down the steps, wondering if he's alright

He looked up at me and whatever was on his mind vanished. A smile appeared on his face and he became care free again.

"Yeah, sunshine you ready?" Johnson said with an adorable smile on his face.

"Yup, what were you thinking about?" I asked Johnson as I met him at the bottom of the stairs.

"Nothing sunshine. You ready to go?" Johnson asked me when he yawned and took my hand.

"Jack..." I said as I took my hand away from his hand. He turned around and looked at me with his big brown eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" Johnson said in a denial tone to me. I sucked my teeth.

"Johnson, is this really how you want to remember our last moment together?" I told Jack.

"Or we could forget this whole moment and go to the airport..." Jack suggested, with a stupid expression on his face, like he was trying to mock me.

"You know we don't have to go we could just sit down on my bed and watch Netflix until we fall asleep" I told him grabbing his hand.

"But..." Johnson said, sadly to me

I could tell he was tired, depressed, exhausted and heartbroken because he's leaving.

"Johnson, please for me?" I asked him, tugging slightly on his hand. "I'll set an alarm that'll wake us up 3 hours earlier"

Johnson gave me a glare. Not too sure about my plan.

"Jack or Nash would be in the house by 2, they would wake us up" I told him with a smile.

Johnson finally gave in and we went to my room. Johnson turned on the AC as I tried to find a good movie to watch in Netflix. Johnson jumped into my couch/bed like thing and he threw the blanket to the floor and I grabbed all of my stuffed animals.

We finally decided on a Movie series, Lost. I snug up against Johnson and rest my head on his shoulder.

I smelled his cologne on his collarbone and his neck. His hair was long enough that I could smell the shampoo he was wearing. He rubbed my back and his touch was just heaven.

I'm going to miss him. Badly.

Johnson wrapped his arm around me and we watch the first episode.

Johnson and I saw about 10 minutes of the episode before we feel asleep next to each other.


I finally came home from two photoshoots and went to eat a fruit salad.

I saw (Y/N)'s car out in the front and Johnson's luggage is still here. Maybe they're still sleeping.

Or knowing them two, there're at the the park playing around like little kids.

"(Y/N)!" I yelled out in the house as I finished my fruit salad that was probably (Y/N)'s. I heard my voice echo out throughout the house.

Big ass house and only 3 people living in it.

I threw away the container and walked upstairs to (Y/N)'s room as I texted Nash (since Nash is living with the Jacks now).

Me: her car is still here and I'm pretty sure she hasn't left

Nashator: okay good. Because I want to give her this present when Johnson leaves. To make her feel better...

Me: yup okay. Hold on

I walk into (Y/N)'s room and I see her and Johnson sleeping on her couch watching Netflix. I take a picture and send it to Nash

Me: idk why this is so cute I really disapprove of them dating but this soften my heart

Nashator: omg I think I just died. That's going on Twitter.

Me: okay tag me 👌👌


Johnson imagine check.

The pic that J sent to Nash is on top

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