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Cam- It really all depends on the situation. Sometimes he'll just hold your hand but other times he can be all over you. He can go from little pecks on the cheek to full on make out sessions.

Shawn- We all know Shawn is a bit shy. But he would love holding your hand, rubbing his thumb on yours. And when you two would sit somewhere there'd be an occasional head on the shoulder but that's really all.

Taylor- Taylor would love hugs in public. He'd just love wrapping his arms around you and kissing your head. He would occasionally kiss your nose of cheek but that's it.

Nash- Nash would love love love PDA. He wants everyone to know that you're his.He'll pull you in his lap or always have his arm around your waist. And once in a while he'd start little make out sessions.

Matt- He'd always have his arm around your waist, tracing little circles on the covered skin. He'll kiss all around your face or fingertips but never your lips. He's a true gentleman.

Jack J- He loves hand holding and hugging. He loves just wrapping his arms around you. He'll give you pecks on the lips or cheeks and he loves giving you piggy back rides.

Jack G- Jack is big on PDA. He can go from sweet to to sexy in 2.5 second. He can loves wrapping his arm around your shoulder but he also likes to rest his hand on your thigh, gradually moving it up.

Carter- Carter is a big PDA person as well, although it's more cute than lustful. He likes to grab your hand and pull you into him or play with your cheeks because you're just so cute.

Aaron- Surprisingly, Aaron loves PDA...You're usually the one to tell him to get off of you, especially in front of his friends.

Sammy- Sammy is really cuddly with you in public. He likes to nuzzle his face into your neck whispering little 'I love you' s

Hayes- Much like Sammy, Hayes loves being cuddly. He'll wrap his arms around your shoulder, resting his chin on you head.

Dillon- Dillon can take PDA too far sometimes. It'll start with just regular hand holding but after a while Dillon gets restless and his hand will soon be in your panties.

Jacob- He's not very big on PDA. He loves hand holding and piggy back rides but he'd much rather save the intimacy for the bedroom.


PDA -- Preferences

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