James Acaster #3

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"Okay so then when I finally stand I start the timer on my watch

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"Okay so then when I finally stand I start the timer on my watch." James explained running through his routine occasionally stopping to explain. Y/N always thought he was like an excitable child when he showed her his new standup. His persona was different to his audience but in the comfort of their own home the y/h/c woman couldn't help but love him more. Readjusting her position on the sofa Y/N sighed in content at finding a comfortable angle. "Are you okay?" the comedian asked his eyebrows furrowed in concern. Rolling her y/e/c orbs Y/N scoffed playfully "I'll be honest James I haven't been okay in the past couple of months thanks to you." Gesturing to her large stomach currently home to their son. "Right.. Yeah sorry." James mumbled tentatively. "But it's okay I still love you." Y/N reassured the man kindly. She knew why James seemed on edge her mood hadn't been the best as of late but I guess the fact she was in her third trimester didn't help. "Go on, I was liking it." The woman stated softly before frowning. "Actually while you're up could you get me some tea?" Y/N asked innocently tilting her head. Sigh James nodded making his way to the kitchen for the hundredth time that day. Popping his head around the door the tall man playfully scowled "I'll have you know you are the most annoying heckler I've ever had!" 

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