Archie Reid #1

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Spoilers if you haven't watched The King's Man yet (FYI it's on Disney + if you want to see it)

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Spoilers if you haven't watched The King's Man yet (FYI it's on Disney + if you want to see it)

When someone dies it can often feel like a part of you has died along with them. Knowing you'll never see them again, never hear their laughter or feel their hand in yours. South Africa had stolen future memories and Y/N could never forgive the universe for that. South Africa had taken and destroyed her family, plunging her childhood home into silence. Leaving her Father broken and weak. Orlando Oxford was too proud of a man to admit it but even as a little girl Y/N could see her Father's heart mourning. She'd been too young to understand, younger than Conrad and even he had been confused how his Mother could be there one minute only to vanish the next. The young woman  was sure the universe was trying to teach her a lesson in and amongst all this heartache but the y/h/c girl couldn't help but bitterly curse the heavens for stealing yet another person from her. Conrad's downfall had been predestined the day their Mother fell to the dry South African plain, her ruby red blood mixing with the harsh almost cocoa powder like dust. 

The family home had once again plummeted in a ghostly silence, this time Y/N wasn't sure it'd be so easy to recover. Over time the wound left by Emily's death healed, it left a large scar behind. An ugly one that would make you wince from time to time but healed nonetheless. Conrad's innocent stupidity had reopened the wound and the y/h/c young woman wasn't sure any amount of stitching would heal it this time. Y/N couldn't even enjoy the evening sun, the thought of never sharing a sunset with her brother again crushed her. It felt selfish to even appreciate its beauty, knowing that everything the sun touched in the house's grounds would never be rejoiced in by the one man set to inherit it.

"I'm sorry for your loss my Lady." Wiping harshly at the salty tears falling from her y/e/c orbs, Y/N nodded stiffly, her back remaining towards the stranger. She was sure he'd introduced himself but quite honestly she'd forgotten. "I wonder... If Conrad saw something in you that made him pick you? Or if he was too blindsighted by wanting to prove something that he chose the first man who came along." Y/N asked aloud her voice was strained, drowning in sorrow. Turning to face the man the y/h woman flickered her eyes over the khaki uniform and the man stood in it. The wrong man. The man who whilst polite and tender reeked of arrogance. How dare he stand where Conrad should be. He wasn't special, a run of the mill man. Taller than her, worst posture though you could tell he was trying. His dark hair was combed neatly, almost too neatly. "You should thank my brother. Every night when you close your eyes. Thank him that you are standing here and not dead in a field miles away from home." 

"I'm sorry that was horrid of me. Forgive me please." Y/N pleaded a choked sob bubbling from her aching chest. "It's fine, you're upset.. Naturally" The man added, quickly blushing slightly at his insensitivity. His accent became thicker, like he wasn't holding himself back as much. The formality he'd clearly tried to drill into himself slowly breaking as he watched the y/h/c woman trying to cease the flowing tears. Reaching into his pockets the dark haired stranger offered her a slightly creased handkerchief. "Thank you...." Y/N trailed off in embarrassment, partially due to crying like a baby in public and because she still for the life of her couldn't remember the man's name. "Reid, erh Archie Reid." The man replied, shooting the young woman a soft smile. "Thank you Archie." Y/N replied gratefully emphasising the man's name.

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