John Shelby #1

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Silence was golden and practically unattainable anywhere in Small Heath, something that was made certain by the recent August heat. The sticky, smothering air seeping into everyone's pores. The lack of cool breezes caused a growing tension especially in Watery Lane. Somehow the young couple found themselves able to sneak away from the crowded streets and escape into the countryside. Although the blackbirds, wrens, song thrushes, blackcaps, and chaffinches sung it was a pleasant change. It was peaceful.

Threading her y/s/c fingers through the young man's soft dark ashy locks, they'd been more copper as a child but that was years ago. "It's like your own halo" Y/N laughed, finally removing her gentle fingers to delicately place the flower crown she'd been weaving on the young man's head. Blinking slowly John frowned slightly at the girl's declaration, surely to have a halo you'd have to be an angel. You'd have to be one of God's favourites for that title and the young Shelby knew deep down God didn't love him. How could he? John's life showed him repeatedly that if there was a higher power they'd abandoned him long ago, He wasn't surprised. Abandonment was something that he'd gotten used to from a young age.

"Nah not Angel material me." John exclaimed teasingly, reaching up to fiddle with the intricate chain, however pausing due to the stern look the y/h/c girl sent him. "Say's who?!" Y/N demanded quietly her y/e/c orbs sparkling in the late summer sun. With a shrug John mulled over the girl's question. "Just know don't I" the Shelby boy replied, a tight-lipped smile finding a home on his pale features. "Well I strongly disagree." Y/N argued playfully, slapping the boy's arm lightly as he rolled his eyes. Time had been forgotten, when they were together it was like Small Heath vanished. All they needed was each other. They depended on one another like the moon depended on the sun to shine on even the darkest of nights. Polly Gray had somehow convinced herself the pair loved one another out of childhood convenience. John and Y/N had nothing in common. They were from different worlds. But over the years the older woman had witnessed their shared love only grow. Soulmates wasn't a term Polly threw around a lot but she would quite happily use it to describe John and the L/N's girl.

Capturing the girl's bewitching y/e/c eyes, the Shelby couldn't help but shoot her a small smile, "Don't need to be an Angel when I have you eh?" John stated, placing a soft kiss on Y/N's hand. "You're.. You're the most angelic creature I've ever seen." John added slowly, he knew he had to be calm to navigate his sentence without looking stupid. Y/N was elegant and smart... brilliantly smart. The way her eyes lit up as she rambled over some romance novel she'd read always gave John's heart palpitations. He wanted to be the tall, dark and handsome hero that swept the girl off her feet. He often struggled to find the words, nervous he'd make a fool of himself. "We should get you home, I think the sun's made you delirious." Y/N mumbled busying herself with tidying away the long forgotten picnic. "Whatever you say Angel" John teased, already liking how flustered the nickname was making the young woman. 

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