Harry Lewis #1

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"Y/N/N.... Help..." Harry whined down the phone to his girlfriend, the y/h/c girl could hear the pout that was paired with his cry for help. "What's wrong Haz you know I'm working." Y/N mumbled pausing her frantic typing she had a blog post due soon and had suddenly had a wave of creativity. "I'm filming a Sidemen video and the baby won't stop crying." Harry replied, running a hand over his face grimacing at the sharp scream emitting from the hunk of plastic Ethan was currently holding. "Who the fuck trusted you with their baby?!" Y/N exclaimed loudly sitting bolt upright at the tall man's response.

"It's mine and Ethan's baby." Harry retaliated pathetically, holding the phone at arms length in fear the y/h girl wouldn't believe him and instead begin an aggressive lecture. Y/N shakily released the anxious breath she'd been holding a giggle erupting from her cherry flavoured lips. "I told you to stop being such a slut Harold!" The girl declared sarcasm laced in her usually happy tone. Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion Y/N paused "Hang on a minute what do you want me to do about it?"

Harry shrugged, for a second forgetting the girl couldn't see him. "I don't know you're a girl?" The Guernsey native defended himself ignoring Ethan and Cals sharp wince at his poor excuse. Rolling her y/e/c orbs Y/N scoffed "Your point being?"

"I don't know?" The YouTuber frowned, shooting a glare at the still crying doll biting his lip slightly cringing. "Go on" Y/N said almost daring Harry to say something else stupid. It wasn't his fault but unfortunately sometimes the lanky male spoke without thinking. "No... I sense I've made a mistake"

Snatching the phone in Harry's hand Ethan thrusted the baby towards him. "Y/N please the baby hates Harry and it's doing my nut in." Ethan pleaded walking away from the other two men, Cal could have left at any moment but he seemed to be enjoying watching the Sidemen duo subtly freaking out, he was kinda sadistic like that. Getting up the y/h young woman shuffled over to pop the kettle on having resigned herself to the fact that she wouldn't be getting back to work anytime soon. "Yeah well I'm not Harry's biggest fan at the moment either." Y/N muttered putting the slightly older man on speaker so she could stumble around the small kitchen hands free.

"What's in it for me?" Y/N enquired the man grabbing a chocolate digestive from the cupboard. "Can't you just help a mate out?" Ethan responded hopefully. "Nope." Y/N stated down the phone, truth is the creative wave had gone and she could do with getting out of the flat but she wanted the boys to sweat just a little more before she came to their rescue. I mean it was a fake baby it couldn't be that hard. The obnoxious shrieking seemed to have quieten, the air waves silent. "Never mind... I... I think it's dead?" Ethan commented hesitantly, part of him glad the high pitched noise had stopped. "You know what I'm hope it fucking is!" The girl replied running an irritated hand through her y/h/c locks mumbling a goodbye and putting the phone down before collapsing against the counter tiredly.

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