Aaron Hotchner #1

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"Say's here you're going to meet a tall dark haired hero who forces you to strive to be the best you possible

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"Say's here you're going to meet a tall dark haired hero who forces you to strive to be the best you possible." Gracia teased, ignoring Y/N's scoff as the techie continued reading her friend's horoscope aloud. "Penelope if we're weren't such good friends I'd murder you and you know I'd get away with it!" Y/N pouted still nursing her morning coffee. The blonde just shook her head in response "Don't tell me you don't want to be swept off your feet Y/N/N!" Penelope argued, throwing the now forgotten paper aside. "And when am I supposed to find time to do that?" the y/h/c coloured woman frowned earnestly. All joking aside Y/N loved her job, god she'd almost had a heart attack when she found out her request to be transitioned into the BAU had been expected but this career leaves like in the form of a social life. "It will come when you least expect it" Gracia stated gently before going on to mutter about if it was meant to be it would be, the blonde was a big believer in that.

"What about...." Penelope trailed off nudging her glasses slightly higher. Turning to face whatever had caught her friends' attention Y/N froze. "Hotch?" The y/h woman asked hoping her friend would burst out laughing but to no avail. "He is a tall dark haired hero... and even if you don't like it he does annoy you into being a better agent?!" Penelope whispered, almost scared she'd draw attention to the pair's conversation. "It's more likely an unsub would walk in here and offer themselves up with no questions asked." Y/N replied bitterly but even she couldn't find the small element of hope that filled her tone.

"Morning Ladies" Emily Prentiss greeted somehow blissfully unaware of the building tension. "Erm... did I interrupt something?" The newer team member asked her dark eyes running over the two women sitting in front of her. "Hm no just Gracia being Gracia." Y/N replied a tight smiling settling on her y/s/c features as she turned back to face the agent. 

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