Harry Beltik #2

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"I can't do this anymore Harry

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"I can't do this anymore Harry." Y/N whispered her y/e/c orbs yet again filling with tears that would leave her eyes red and raw. "I get you have some sort of loyalty to her. It's beautiful how much you care for her but she's throwing her life away mummifying herself in that fucking house" The distraught woman continued packing her suitcase the repetitive movement a much needed distraction. "She's my friend." The brown haired male defended not moving from his spot by the door, hoping that this was just a mirage. A trick of the light that Y/N wasn't really packing up her belongings to leave him. "Great fucking friend she is! You're getting physically ill worrying over her and she doesn't even care! Did she return any of your calls this week? This month?" Y/N asked halfheartedly she was tired of trying to knock some sense into the Kentucky native. "She's grieving Y/N/N" Harry retaliated pathetically.

"I must admit I envy your ignorance." Y/n sighed neatly folding her last piece of clothing before closing the worn piece of luggage. "Move aside Harry." Y/N mumbled fighting to keep her hands to herself, she knew if she touched him even if it was just to remove him as an obstacle she'd crumble into his arms. "No." The man's southern twang broken like a scratched record trying to stumble its way through a song. "Harry, please don't make this any harder than it has to be." the y/h woman argued miserably, her building tears finally being realised, destined to take the same sad path down her y/s/c face. "I'm not letting you leave!" the man argued stubbornly like a child, Y/N half expected him to stomp his feet. "I love you." He added gently, finally taking a step forward awkwardly almost like he was approaching an injured rabbit. "Why didn't you just say?" Y/N frowned "You really think that's going to fix this... Fix us?" she scoffed. It's almost like he didn't remember the late nights she spent alone while he chased Beth. The multiple dinners that went uneaten. The Sunday morning's when she had to make excuse after excuse to the Pastor as to why she was attending alone yet again. "You're it for me!" Harry declared practically dropping to his knees for forgiveness. "No Harry I'm not. And no one ever will be until you get over her." 

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