Tom Holland #5

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This Ain't a love song, this is goodbye 🎶

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This Ain't a love song, this is goodbye 🎶

"Do you have to go?" Tom mumbled his voice hoarse as he watched Y/N packing her things, the air full of tension and not the good kind. It's ironic isn't it that he sat on the bed they used to share, a place he felt the most secure and safe. A couple of weeks ago the pair thought they had found their forever. Maybe it really had been the couples parallel schedules that lead to the y/h/c girl loading suitcases with small trinkets, clothes, basically her entire presence and with it Tom's heart. Sighing Y/N tried to convince herself not to face the boy she still loved deeply. "I love you!" the British actor stated cringing at how pathetic he sounded but maybe just maybe if he begged enough she'd stay. "I know Tom... It's just not enough."

Y/N couldn't help but feel like a complete cow for doing this to him... to both of them but she needed somebody, she couldn't deal with being in a relationship with a ghost anymore. In fact this was the first time for weeks they had both been conscious in each other's presences. But to filming and other work related engagements. Normally as one of them was coming home the other was leaving or practically dead to the world trying to catch up on some kind of sleep. They didn't even migrate towards each other in their sleep anymore, there was no late night craving to feel the heat of one another's skin against their own. "I'm not enough?" the brunette male asked the silent air, part of him hoping she'd crack and embrace him words of reassurance tumbling from her cherry lips. But no. Zipping up her last suitcase Y/N paused her y/e/c orbs running over the room one more time from the ikea furniture they'd painstakingly picked out together to the photo frames that sat mockingly on the previously shared chest of draws. "This isn't a love song Tom.. This is goodbye." 

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