Russell Howard #4

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People always say that in the blink of an eye that small new-born you held in your arms after months of waiting would be all grown up

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People always say that in the blink of an eye that small new-born you held in your arms after months of waiting would be all grown up. This statement is uttered in hundreds of languages, in different time zones and countries all over the world. And it was only now that with September coming closer and Y/S/N becoming more independent that Y/N realised how true that statement was. And the y/h/c woman would happily admit that all be it with a nervous small smile that she wasn't ready for Y/S/N/N to grow up, the anxiety of him no longer needing her... no longer needing Russell even if the child was a mummy boy felt earth shattering.

"Babe you ok?" Russell inquired gently, noticing the woman's lack of attention on the tv show they had begun together. It was a simple act, settling on the sofa for an episode or two after a busy day. But it was something the comedian looked forward to. Having  no little body wriggling or trying to sandwich himself in between the couple, occasionally relaying a story that had potential to become material in his act or even just being able to kiss his wife without Y/S/N squealing in disgust. "Yeah. It's just.... It's silly." Y/N replied hesitantly, hurriedly shrugging off the mild anxiety, flashing the blond comedian a half-hearted smile in reassurance.  "Probably." Russell agreed, pulling a face before genuine concern fell on his pale face. Y/N usually laughed when he pulled a face or used a funny voice but instead she remained quiet. "It can't be silly if it's upsetting you this much." Russell spoke assertively sitting up straighter to be able to hug the woman without seeming smothering.

"Y/S/N/N is growing up and I don't like it... I know it's silly but why can't he just stay little forever?" Y/N asked innocently, the question was rhetorical but the nerves laced in the sentence where obvious. "We'll just ask him to stop growing ey... simple fix." Russell teased against the y/s/c woman's locks gently flicking the loose strands over her shoulder. "We'll sit him down and forbid him to grow even an inch." Russell continued quietly chuckling slightly at the woman's lower lip now jutting out slightly as she pouted. "Why are you laughing at me Howard!" Y/N exclaimed softly, a frown finding its home on her y/s/c face, her y/e/c orbs wide at her husband's reaction. Russell wasn't insensitive, but sometimes his reactions to people's feelings could be a little peculiar. "I'm not laughing at you." The man defended himself, readjusting his glasses as he pondered over what to say next. "It's just if you wanted another baby so badly you could've just asked."

"Can you not say it so casually please it's not a cup of tea" Y/N groaned. The woman's eyebrows furrowed slightly in embarrassment of being so blatantly called out by her partner.

Russell and Y/N had been together for seven years, having met at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2014. Y/N had been in the crowd and after responding back to a heckler sitting in the same row Russell hadn't been able to take his eyes off her. Somehow he'd managed to convince her to give him her number after promising he wasn't as big of an awkward knob as he was on stage. Three years later they were married and Russell still wondered regularly how he'd found her. Y/N was one in a million but even having that title didn't eliminate her from his teasing, it was just in the Brit's nature.

"Is that a no to sneaking upstairs and giving a try to a Little Howard 2 a whirl?" Russell asked in faux surprise, wiping an imaginary tear away from his wifes unspoken rejection. "Y/S/N/N is literally upstairs Russ." Y/N scolded, trying to escape the man's grip knowing the comedian would probably still try and initiate something. "Besides we might not have to try..." the y/h/c younger woman announced slowly, her already soft spoken voice quieter. So quiet Russell almost thought he'd misheard her.

"What do you mean?" the man asked confused, now sitting bolt upright the episode of Death in Paradise long forgotten. "Date night last month. Your mum took Y/S/N for the weekend..." Y/N trailed off absentmindedly playing with her wedding ring as she avoided her husband's searching eyes. "I thought maybe it was just in my head you know... Work and the thought of Y/S/N/N getting older. Not the first time I've had intense baby fever that messes with my body." Y//N added realising the Englishman still hadn't said anything. "So you haven't taken a test yet?" Russell concluded from his wife's explanation, starting to gather his shoes he'd kicked off near the sofa. "No... Where are you going?" Y/N asked, head tilted in confusion noticing Russell actions. "Tesco's unless you have a test on you right now?" The man asked hopefully, a dopey smile appearing on his face at the thought of Y/N possibly being pregnant again.

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