Skyler Gisondo #1

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Silence could be a faithful friend comforting you in your hour of need, a place that allowed you to gather your thoughts and to ease your anxieties. Or as the y/h/c young woman had recently discovered it could be isolating. Especially when her support system she'd come to rely on disappeared. Her husband seemed to recoil into himself, distancing himself when Y/N needed him most. Silence however was rare now with a new born. When she was a little girl Y/N had wanted the whole white picket fence, the loving husband and a small family to call her own.

"We need to talk Skyler." Y/N mumbled hesitantly, biting her lip in anxiety. "Sounds ominous.." the man teased his smirk faltering slightly at his wife's anxious form next to him. "Do you regret Y/D/N?" the y/h/c young woman trailed off, unable to stop herself, her heart was finally being honest with itself. The actor had been so excited when they'd discovered they were expecting but it seemed like the novelty wore off quickly after Y/D/N was born. "I can't believe you'd ask that" Skyler scoffed, his posture tensing at his wife's question. "Can you blame me?" Y/N replied quietly. "You're a Dad now Skyler... A Dad now and yet I feel like I'm doing it all by myself." The y/h/c young woman mumbled angrily. Y/N wasn't sure if the anger was organically directed at the man she called her Husband or if the toxic mixture of hormones and exhaustion. The man in question remained silent, Y/N couldn't tell if Skyler just couldn't be bothered to defend his actions or if he was currently enjoying seeing his wife in despair. No Skyler wasn't that cruel, oblivious and immature at times maybe but cruel? Never.

"God, you're so dramatic." Skyler finally responded, he didn't sound angry, just upset and disappointed. "You don't even hold her. Your own daughter Sky. What am I supposed to think?" The y/h/c woman asked, it was a rhetorical question, Y/N was still trying to make sense of her husband's actions. Yet another silence fell over the couple, neither of them wanted to be the first to speak. The pair rarely argued. "I'm scared..." the man admitted ashamed, his declaration lacked his usual confidence but it was pure honesty. "I'm scared I'm going to mess up." Skyler spoke again, still uncertain but gaining courage. "You won't mess up." Y/N mumbled reassuringly, shuffling closer to embrace the man she loved. She could feel the honey haired man relax, his previously tense shoulders easing under her familiar touch. "How do you know?" Skylar asked anxiously, his eyebrows furrowing slightly at the woman's soft spoken words. "Call it Mother's intuition."

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