Calfreezy #2

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CalFreezy was in-fucking-sane

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CalFreezy was in-fucking-sane. It was no longer a rumour as far as Y/N was concerned it was fact. You could ask anybody those three simple words and they'd most likely agree even if they'd never spent more than five minutes with him. Yet again Y/N found herself somehow roped into filming a video with the lanky idiot she called her boyfriend. At least this time there were six other victims of her boyfriend's insanity.

"Where are you going to hide?" Harry whispered leaning towards the y/h/c girl. Harry had a habit of clinging to someone whilst playing hide and seek, because of this and the fact he really wasn't great at staying quiet he was often one of the first to get caught. "Bugger of Boggo I'm not telling you!" Y/N hissed, flickering her y/e/c orbs over the gopro in her hand. Cal had explained the video idea weeks ago after a meeting with Sam and Y/N had used that to her advantage. She'd already seen the building's layout and was sure she'd found the perfect hiding spot and she wasn't going to let Harry of all people steal this pretty much confirmed win. "Ah Y/N/N come on... Help a roomie out?" Harry begged, jutting out his bottom lip and attempting what Y/N suspected to be puppy dog eyes. "Harry no" the y/s/c girl groaned moving away from her friend.

"I'd just like to clarify that I don't know why I'm here.... I have a feeling Cal just wants to get me in a dark corner." the female YouTuber accused loudly, pointing a finger in her boyfriend's direction. Part of that was true, the y/h/c young woman was still a little confused why Cal invited her; he already had Harry, Theo, Gib, even Arthur and more. Perhaps the man was trying to get out of planning date night, it wouldn't be the first time he'd tried to get content and get lucky at the same time. Yet again Y/N was glad Cal had rented the venue so members of the public didn't think her accusation was anywhere near serious. Turning to face his girlfriend of three years Cal frowned slightly "You think I'd do that to you?" the brown haired man asked in faux innocence. His eyes gave him anyway, they always did especially when it came to Y/N. Nine times out of ten if the tall YouTuber was ever up to something his eyes would always betray his mischief. "Honestly Freezy I thought you had more class then to try to touch me up in a trampoline park." Y/N argued, shooting a toothy grin towards the man.

"I have class" Cal retaliated ignoring the groan from Harry. The poor Guernsey native was used to the couple's odd behaviour but sometimes he really did consider moving out. "I'll wait until we get to the car park." Cal mumbled loudly with a shrug. "That's it Gib I'm staying with you tonight!" Harry yelled, his face pale as he frantically moved further away from the girl he'd usually call his friend, almost falling into the foam pit in the process. "Don't be such a baby Harold... besides how you're going to get through all those Sidemen condoms... not like you're getting much action." Y/N exclaimed mockingly, enjoying the look of pure terror that flooded her flatmates face.

"And on that note... to decide who's going to be the seeker for the first round we're going to play a little game.... Last one... in the foam pit is it!" Cal said, throwing himself in the pit of cubed foam that quite frankly stank of feet.

"I just hope you know Cal even though I love you... You're going down!" Y/N teased from her spot across the pit, her competitive side already showing.

Set during the above video 

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