Max Verstappen #1

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The warm early morning Monaco sunlight eased the y/h/c girl out of her dream

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The warm early morning Monaco sunlight eased the y/h/c girl out of her dream. The sunbeams that had managed its way through the cracks in the curtains like a gentle hand making it's path over her y/s/c face. It wasn't until Y/N felt a limb that wasn't hers grip her waist securely did she remember. For the first time in what felt like forever she wasn't waking up alone. Turning over the y/h/c girl gently removed the pale arm that restrained her, a grin settling on her delicate features. He looked so peaceful, almost angelic, his eyebrows not in their usual furrowed state. Sighing happily Y/N debated whether to get up and start the day or just embrace the warm body next to her. Spotting her camera on the bedside table the young woman couldn't help but giggle lowly to herself, her mind already set on her next action.

"What are you doing prinses?" The male finally spoke sleepily, his ocean eyes refusing to greet the girl. Ignoring the man's question Y/N continued positioning herself to get the perfect angle. Unhappy at the lack of response Max's pale hands made their way up the girls thighs lightly digging in. "Max stop moving!" Y/N whispered lazily, swatting at the hands that had made their home on her y/s/c legs. Cracking his eyes open Max couldn't help the chuckle that vibrated from his chest, he'd woken up to Y/N in plenty of precarious positions but straddling him with her camera in her hands was definitely a new one. "Make sure to get my good side" the Dutchman teased, pulling a small face before returning to his usual small smile. There were only a few things that could crack a genuine smile from the young man getting a place on the podium, seeing his mother and sister after weeks apart and her.

She looked beautiful. In fact Max would argue that she's never looked more desirable, her hair still messy from their late night activities with an old red bull shirt almost swallowing her figure. Max used to think it was a shame she hid her amazing body from him even if it was only for the five hours of sleep they'd aim to get but now he loved seeing her relaxed and content. Carefree looked good on her.

"I want to remember every detail before you leave again." Y/N shrugged, having placed her camera aside and begun running her fingers through her boyfriend's light brown locks. She hadn't meant for her statement to sound so depressing but they both knew it was true before long Max would be packing his bags to fly miles away for yet another race. "Why don't you come with me schatje?" Max mumbled hoping maybe this time he could convince Y/N to join him. Sighing, the girl pulled her fingers away leaning back putting her weight on her heels "You know I can't Maxie... I have work and responsibilities here."

"What about my responsibility to show you how much you mean to me. To be able to show the world how much I love you. To be able to go out on that track and know that my girl is watching me from the paddock. That no matter what happens whether it's good or bad she'll be there waiting for me." Max declared stubbornly, almost pouting like a child. "Would it really mean that much to you?" Y/N quizzed already knowing the answer her y/e/c orbs drinking in the man below her. "It would mean the world."

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