Laurie Laurence #1

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Surely it had to be an act of God himself, nature could not be single-handedly responsible

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Surely it had to be an act of God himself, nature could not be single-handedly responsible. She was beautiful, a gift from the heavens. And yet she was perfectly ordinary standing at y/h with y/h/c locks. Ordinary could possibly be an insult Laurie pointed out angrily to himself but he meant no harm. Y/N was ordinary in a way that made her real, ordinary in a way that she stuck out like a Monet hung on the walls of some museum. The y/h/c girl didn't demand attention, preferring to stay rooted in the background and yet the young Lawrence couldn't keep his eyes off her.

"Amy I shall simply collapse if you force me to dance one more step." Y/N whined playfully at her best friend, the March girl could be quite exhausting at times. "Laurie, you must save me!" Y/N implored the dark haired man gently looping her arm through his in hopes it would anchor her and cause the blonde girl to leave her be. Capturing the males mosaic eyes the younger girl could help but shoot him a small smile, Laurie was still almost stunned that Y/N's arm was still placed in his.

"Are you alright?" Y/N asked faintly, removing her limb starting to pick at the flower crown the March Sisters had thrusted upon her in the early hours of the morning. Y/N L/N didn't have siblings but the March Sisters had taken her under their protective wing and never looked back. "Don't" Laurie whispered his pale fingers darting to stop the girl from removing the halo of wildflowers that had found a home on her y/h/c locks. Tilting her head in confusion Y/N frowned slightly at the man's actions, his usually elegant fingers seemed clumsy and uncoordinated and the girl couldn't tell if it was caused by alcohol of some sort or nerves. Theodore Laurence was never nervous but the harsh grip he had on his lip caught between his teeth suggested otherwise. "I'm sorry." Laurie mumbled apologetically, taking a step away from the girl as if putting distance between them would stop his racing heart. "It's just you're... you're." pausing Laurie sighed heavily, twisting a ring on his finger in comfort.

"I'm what?" Y/N questioned delicately her previously aching feet now the least of her worries. "Simply angelic." The older man hesitantly stated. Silence fell over the pair, it seemed as though the small reception had melted away. Blinking slowly Y/N couldn't help the grin that settled on her y/s/c face. "Say it again...please." Y/N requested quietly. "You're simply angelic Y/N" Laurie mumbled bashfully his sea green orbs finding the low grass the most intriguing thing in the world. "Who knew you had such a way with words." the y/h/c girl teased lightly, revelling in the fact the rose blush that now filled the man's face where due to her.

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