Laurie Laurence #2

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"Forgive me you look like you need this

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"Forgive me you look like you need this." Laurie whispered hesitantly, his long pale fingers gripping the crystal stem of the wine glass. The dark haired man's knuckles pressing against his ghostly pale skin, anxiety flooding his system. Theodore Laurence was never nervous, the young man usually oozed confidence to the point it was borderline cocky, however spotting Y/N from across the room donned in a beautiful pine green gown left him breathless. The rich green silk hugged the y/s/c young woman's figure perfectly, it complimented her locks of y/h/c and left her looking utterly radiant. She was beautiful, she always had been even as a child but what really highlighted this Goddess among mortals was the soft smile that sat on her delicate features. "Felt the overwhelming urge to save me young Master Laurence?" Y/N teased gratefully accepting the offered glass of champagne, the golden liquid like an extended olive branch. "Not enjoying yourself?" Laurie asked quietly, raising his own glass to his lips focusing his mosaic green eyes on the dispersing bubbles. The older man didn't want to be caught admiring the y/h girl, he didn't trust himself to not zone out in utter awe of being in her presence.

"I do find it a frightful bore." the y/h/c young woman hummed in agreement. It was a simple dance, hosted by a wealthy local family, nothing compared to the grandeur of the debutante season but still the irritation of having to get all dressed up to stand in the corner was the same. "Mother insists I show my face... She's becoming antsy about my lack of a suiter." Y/N added a small giggle erupting from her berry stained lips. "Good luck to whoever manages to tie you down." Laurie replied bravely, hiding his grin behind his hand. "Theodore Laurence, what is that supposed to mean?!" Y/N asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the man's statement. "Nothing severe... the lucky gentleman will have to be strong willed that's all?" The dark haired man responded with a shrug of his shoulders. The pair had known each other since they were children, in fact Y/N had been his first kiss. It had been magical, the pair had escaped to the fields on a warm spring evening and one thing led to another. Laurie had never forgotten it, his swore that if he thought back to that day hard enough his lips could taste hers, the strawberry jam they'd consumed an hour before was still evident on the young girl's cupid's bow. When the pair had gotten older Y/N had changed into the lady her Mother had so desperately wanted and while Laurie had once thought they'd end up together his dream of being a musician didn't seem grand enough for a girl like Y/N L/N. "Am I that unpleasurable?" the young woman asked quietly, insecurity laced in her tone.

"No... Heaven's no." Laurie spluttered nervously but the harsh grip he had on his lip caught between his teeth did nothing to ease the building uneasiness. "You're perfect. A goddess, a dream girl." Laurie rambled in self-consciousness, "My dream girl in fact." the man trailed off, wincing at how uncertain he sounded. "I'm sorry." Laurie mumbled apologetically, taking a step away from the girl as if putting distance between them would stop his racing heart. "I've never been someone's dream girl." Y/N mumbled bashfully, the young woman was grateful she was currently standing away from the main lighting only a couple of well placed candles and a fireplace providing a soft glow. The flickering amber flames occasionally highlighting her y/s/c face. "Well you've always been mine." Laurie replied delicately, the embarrassed warmth finally leaving his cheeks. 

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