Jack Whitehall #5

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The past year had been insane, lockdowns followed by even more lockdown's, protests, people in their droves downloading and turning to tiktok to get through the year just because some guy decided to nibble on a bat. London was finally opening up again, the city awakening and repairing itself. The fifth and final season of Jack Whitehall's Travels with my Father was underway and as always Jack couldn't just pack a bag and go without going through a whole palaver.

"You're so dramatic Jack!" the y/h/c young woman teased from her spot on the bed, watching in amusement as the comedian continued to complain and whine as he paced. "Not that bad?! Have you met my Father?" Jack retaliated, his voice high pitched and wavering in exaggerated agitation. Rolling her y/e/c orbs at her boyfriend, the y/s/c woman leant forward to take the jeans currently in the man's grasp, simply folding the item and placing it into the comedian's suitcase. "You know I have and you also know you have a tiny habit of being a drama queen." Y/N stated softly, shooting the dark haired man a sarcastic smile.

Groaning in response Jack launched himself on the bed, his sudden action crumbling the fresh bed sheets and sending one of the decorative pillows to the ground. "Why couldn't you come with me?" Jack whined scrunching his nose slightly at his declaration, it wasn't his first time suggesting the y/h/c young woman joined him but Y/N had repeatedly turned him down, no doubt she'd reject his small request yet again. "Because my darling it's called 'Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father' not 'Jack Whitehall: Travels with the girl I somehow managed to convince to be my girlfriend'" Y/N explained with mock seriousness, her y/e/c orbs sparkling in mischief. Pouting the Comedian placed his head in his hands, he was yet again unsatisfied with Y/N's reasoning. "Plus nobody wants to see my mug on Netflix." Y/N laughed lightly pulling a face as she shivered slightly at the mere thought of being plastered over multiple screens around the world. "Yeah that's probably best... I don't even want to think of all the letters of complaints we'd receive." Jack replied in jest, quickly rolling to the side to avoid Y/N's swatting limb.

"What you said it!" Jack chuckled, bringing his hands to his face to lessen the y/h/c woman's weak blows. "You weren't supposed to agree!!" Y/N exclaimed loudly pausing her mild assault, her bright y/e/c orbs focusing intensely on the man's half shielded face. "You know maybe it will be good that you'll be gone for a while... I don't have to share the covers, and I don't have to watch whatever rubbish you insist on. Might even get some takeout without you..." Y/N pondered aloud ignoring the offended look that settled on the man's face. "Hm yes maybe a nice Nando's and some married at first sight... Might even invite Hilary." Y/N added knowing that adding the woman's name would goad her boyfriend of three years.

"You'd get Nando's without me?!" Jack questioned the woman sadly, his eyes wide. "It's like being set off to boarding school again. You don't love me Y/N/N" Jack cried loudly flopping on his back turning his face away from his girlfriend. "You think you know someone and then they get a Nando's with your mother!" Jack continued dramatically jutting out his bottom lip as he pouted. "Yep boohoo it's all very sad." Y/N retaliated with her usually soft spoken voice laced with sarcasm. A peaceful silence fell over the young couple, the gentle English sun's golden hour rays seeping in through the large window. "What time do you leave tomorrow?" Y/N asked quietly picking up her phone from the bedside table checking the time. "Erm like 9am?" Jack replied his eyebrows furrowed as he wracked his brain for the time schedule his team had sent him. "So enough time for a takeaway and movie night?" Y/N quizzed the English comedian hopefully. "Living room date?" Jack asked gently for clarification mulling over the girls' offer. "Living room date." Y/N agreed nodding her head a little in excitement even though that man wasn't currently looking at her.

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