Bernie Taupin #1

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The silence was terrifying, Y/N felt like a stranger in the presence of what used to be her best friend

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The silence was terrifying, Y/N felt like a stranger in the presence of what used to be her best friend. "I'm going home... for a while" Bernie continued his tone gentle but even then he couldn't hide his seriousness behind his small smile. "And Y/N's coming with me." The song writer stated his storm blue eyes twinkling at just the mention of her name. Y/N though Elton hadn't heard the small addition of information at first until he turned to face the female. "And what's your excuse?" Elton questioned a frown settling on his tired features. "It's just time I went.." Y/N shrugged pathetically, hating the way the man's eyes bore into hers. "That's not it Y/N/N" Elton teased but this was no playful tease it was cruel and malicious.

Bernie lent forward offering the girl a supportive pat on the thigh. The pair had never really had romantic interest in each other but over the past couple of weeks they had found a form of comfort in each other. "I'm pregnant Elton." Y/N mumbled tears begging to make paths down her y/s/c cheeks. "Y/N's coming with me, We're going to at least make a go at doing this properly." Bernie clarified. They all knew what he meant, Y/N had come from a somewhat formal family so getting their permission for her to go to LA in the first place was a battle. When Bernie got on one knee after the y/h/c female's revelation even she'd called him crazy... Well that was the polite version.

"Oh I see so the man didn't even stick around long enough to help you put your knickers back on!" Elton hissed aggressively pushing his large glasses up his nose. Shaking her head Y/N refused to let the brunette man's word hurt her even if they did feel like a thousand tiny knives had decided to use her as a sharpening block. "Well go! GO! See if I care!" Elton scoffed, ignoring Bernie's stern glare promptly sent his way. Silence filled the air again, it seemed like time had frozen causing an perpetual tone of hate to fill their lives. 

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