Riley Poole #1

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"Ben you can't be serious!!" Y/N exclaimed loudly her y/e/c orbs running from her Father back to her older brother

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"Ben you can't be serious!!" Y/N exclaimed loudly her y/e/c orbs running from her Father back to her older brother. Silence was all that greeted her. "No I'm sorry Ben I refuse to be duct taped to a chair!!" Y/N continued complaining not caring for the two strangers that had accompanied her brother. "It's for the best!" Ben defended himself with a careless shrug of his shoulders. "He's right Y/N/N" Patrick stated trying to reassure his youngest child, Y/N was much like him in some ways and unfortunately being hard headed was a large characteristic she'd inherited. "It will put you in the clear! Why would we restrain you if you agreed to help us" Ben almost yelled. It had been a while since both Gates' children had been under the same roof and even now they could argue like they were kids again.

"I'm sorry about this." Ben's friend mumbled a red blush filling his pale cheeks. Riley hoped he could play it off as adrenaline it hadn't exactly been the smoothest night of his life. "It's okay." The y/h/c girl reassured her earlier outburst of anger slowly reducing. "You can make it tighter, you know." Y/N hinted at her bound wrists. "You want it to look realistic right?"

"Oh right!" The computer genius cringed momentarily forgetting that he wasn't just holding her hands for pleasure. "Is that okay?" Riley questioned offering a small smile. "Well... Let's put it this way, hopefully I DON'T make a habit of getting tied up in my own house."

"Ben, we've got to get out of here." The blonde female whispered urgently, biting her lip holding the artefact as securely as she could. "Well it was nice seeing you like always Ben." Y/N stated sarcastically sending her brother a small smile hoping he would forgive her for her earlier outburst.

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