Jack Whitehall #6

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2022 had barely started and Y/N L/N already felt exhausted, the young woman was currently 4 months pregnant and each day that passed seemed longer than the last. In fact Y/N was thoroughly surprised that she didn't look like death warmed up considering how evident her eyebags had gotten lately. But moment's like these made it all worth it. Evening sprawled out on hers and Jack's shared bed while they debated baby names and the comedian insisted on resting his head as close to her growing bump as possible. Name's were occasionally being thrown around but the couple seemed to be enjoying the peacefulness. Currently there were no strong contenders when it came to names, the pair still not knowing the gender. That information had been offered to them but due to it being their first baby the couple were more than happy to wait, enjoying the suspense.

Pausing her movement of threading her fingers through the man's dark locks Y/N visibly cringed. "Absolutely not. We are not naming our child after one of the Jonas Brothers." the y/h/c young woman exclaimed, she knew Jack was probably joking but the way he'd remained so serious after his suggestion worried her. Considering her boyfriend of 6 years career was comedy she didn't find his wisecracks at home very funny. Lifting his head up from the woman's lap Jack pouted a little. "What's wrong with Kevina?" the man asked, eyebrows raised in silent challenge. "Just because you were bullied throughout school doesn't mean our child deserves the same treatment Whitehall!" Y/N retaliated with a sigh. Flickering her tired y/e/c orbs over the still grinning man the y/h/c woman couldn't help but frown "What?" Y/N asked quietly. "You're just so beautiful and I love it when you say 'Our child'" the English comedian hummed defensively,  a dopey smile settling on his pale face.

"You are really odd Whitehall." the young woman groaned, burrowing her face into the heavy cologne scented hoodie she'd previously stolen from the man. It was one of her favourite scents, it smelt like home and was a massive comfort when the brit was away for work. However right now the oversized hoodie hid her heated cheeks from view. The couple had been together long enough, survived ups and downs but Jack overly enjoyed the fact that he could still get the y/h girl flustered by just complimenting her. In fact the Comedian seemed to enjoy it so much it seemed like he would challenge himself to think of new ways to get her speechless, there was something about the small smile that found a home on her delicate features that warmed him. "But you love me right?" The man teased, removing his hand from the woman's growing bump to shuffle up the bed in order to trap the y/h/c young woman in his arms. The girl narrowed her y/e/c orbs slightly visibly pondering the man's question. "Debatable..." Y/N replied plainly before gasping slightly at the tiny pinch Jack sent her. "Of course I love you silly." the y/h woman reassured a happy laugh tumbling from her strawberry flavoured lips. "I'm sort of stuck with you now anyway." Y/N added quietly, adjusting herself to partially straddle the comedian's pyjama clad lap. "All jokes aside, I love you like crazy." the young woman admitted placing a kiss on the corner of the man's mouth as she emphasised each word in her small declaration. Pulling away Y/N laughed lightly at Jack's pout, the man jutting out his lower lip slightly indicating he wanted another kiss. A proper kiss. Unhappy at the lack of further response the comedian's pale hands made their way up the woman's exposed thighs lightly digging in. "But not enough for Kevina?" Jack stated sarcastically his eyes sparkling with mischief as Y/N groaned.

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