Cillian Murphy #5

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After realising Peaky Blinders is coming to an end Reader reminisces some memories of her Peaky family 

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After realising Peaky Blinders is coming to an end Reader reminisces some memories of her Peaky family 


"Harry no that's cheating!" Y/N exclaimed angrily, pushing the older boy away from her. "No it's not!" The 15 year old retaliated, clearly enjoying how easy it was to wind the girl up. "Just because I have a higher score on flappy bird doesn't mean you can sabotage me!" the y/h/c girl hissed her y/e/c orbs focusing intently on the phone screen. "Sabotage?! As if!" Harry disagreed, shaking his head violently at the young girl's suggestion. "Yes, Harry sabotage!" Y/N insisted, groaning slightly when the game over screen flashed on her phone. "That was your fault Kirton." Y/N insisted, rolling her eyes at the bemused smile on the teenage boy's face.

Harry still insisted to this day that he hadn't been cheating and he most definitely hadn't been a sore loser. Even though the popularity of flappy bird came and went seemingly overnight the two teenagers enjoyed playing games during their down time. Flappy bird got replaced with Vine and then musically and then Tiktok. Harry was the first age appropriate friend Y/N had made on set. It was something that had bonded them.


Y/N had gotten used to camera's, the idea of a large lens watching her every move no longer panicked her. But the thirteen year old had never had to do an interview before, this time it was the idea of a stranger questioning her under bright lights that worried her. "You ok?" Cillian asked quietly in concern, he'd seen the young actress fidgeting out of the corner of his eye. "What if I say something wrong?" the y/h/c youngster anxiously piped up. "What if I make a fool of myself? Everyone at school already makes fun of me..." Y/N added sadly. She knew she shouldn't pay any mind; they were probably just jealous but the thought of her peers hating her for acting was something she struggled to ignore. "How can you say anything wrong? Nobody knows Viola better than you" Cillian replied, patting the girl's hand lightly in reassurance. The Irishman's soft spoken voice visibly calmed the girl, allowing her to relax before the interview started.

It was the first time she'd realised that Peaky Blinders wasn't just about showing up and acting. It was so much more.


"How you doing kiddo?" Joe asked, noticing the young girl's intense gaze on the booklet in front of her. Sighing Y/N scowled at the equation in front of her, Math's had never been her strong point so why on earth her teacher thought she'd be able to figure it out alone whilst on set she had no idea. "Kill me now.. Please Joe, I'm begging you." Y/N whined shoving the offending work book away from her. "Ah don't be so dramatic." the older man replied, chuckling at the young actress' look of disgust. Peering over her shoulder Joe frowned, his eyebrows furrowed slightly as he tried to make sense of the question. "It's not dramatic Joe!" Y/N responded icily, jabbing her finger in the direction of the sheets of paper. "You know I was very good at maths at school." Joe stated, pulling a chair out to sit beside the younger girl he'd become quite fond of over the years. "You were good at school?" Y/N teased a smile settling on her y/s/c features, Y/N was glad to finally stop frowning, the frustrations the homework had created causing a mild headache. "Oi cheeky do you want help or not?!" Joe exclaimed, gently elbowing the girl in the side as she laughed.

Joe never offered to help with her homework after that. In fact sometimes if he noticed her struggling he'd try to avoid her... especially if it was maths


"I don't know if I even really want to go..." Y/N sighed heavily brushing a rouge hair roller out of her face. "Besides, who would I even go with? I don't want to show up by myself?!" The 16 year old girl rambled anxiously. The teenagers' school had recently sent out the forms for prom tickets and Y/N was still debating whether to go or not. When she was younger Y/N dreamed of the perfect prom, the American movies she'd engrossed herself with had given her a false idea of the night. But now she just couldn't be asked. "Don't you want to go and dress up, get your makeup done?" Helen queried gently, taking a sip of her coffee as she waited patiently for the set's makeup artist to start on her. "Helen, I get my makeup done every day for work... it's not special." Y/N shrugged, shooting the older woman with a tight-lipped smile. "Did you go to prom?" the y/h/c girl asked. "Prom wasn't really a big thing in my day, but we had a dance and I got all dressed up with my friends." Helen explained, her eyes sparkling at the memories. "I think you should go, who knows maybe you'll actually enjoy yourself." Helen teased the youngster with a knowing look on her face.

It had been a basic conversation, small talk really but Helen always had been a master at that. The woman had a way with words, and always sounded so invested in whatever the subject was even if it was over something as silly as prom. It's probably one of Y/N's favourite conversations with the Londoner.


"Who you texting?" Finn asked in a sing-song tone attempting to sneak a peek at the girl's phone. "No of your business" Y/N replied mockingly before looking back at the message she'd received. "No let me see" Finn whined trying to grab the phone from the y/h/c teens vice like grip. "Bugger of Finlay!" Y/N exclaimed loudly, swatting the actor's hands away as she tried to protect her phone. Cradling her device closer to her chest Y/N attempted to protect it from the younger Cole's prying eyes, Finn had always been a nosey bastard. "Ah C'mon share the gossip.. Or is it a boy?" Finn asked his eyes wide at the realisation that a crush could be the cause of Y/N's sudden shyness. "It is a boy isn't it!" Finn spat out quickly, noticing the heat appearing on the girl's cheeks. "It's none of your business is what it is" Y/N responded snarkily, rolling her y/e/c orbs at the twenty-three year old man's outburst. Silence settled over the castmates for a couple of seconds. "Wait until I tell Cillian he's going to have a heart attack!" Finn chortled mischievously. "You wouldn't dare!" Y/N hissed loudly, finally the older actor had her undivided attention. "Oh wouldn't I?" Finn replied, raising an eyebrow in challenge before launching out of his chair and out of the trailer all while practically shouting Cillian's name.

As if being caught texting a boy wasn't embarrassing enough, Finn's delightful outburst had caused Cillian and Tom to give the sheepish teen the oh so fabled 'boy talk'. As punishment Y/N refused to acknowledge the younger Cole whilst off set until the twenty-three year old apologised profusely. Whilst Y/N knew Finn had only been teasing the overwhelming horror of having to speak about crushes and boys to the two senior actors still donned in their characters costumes mind you had not been worth it. 

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