Q #2

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"Wow" Y/N L/N whistled in approval at the tech labs new digs, after Silva and Max Denbigh attempt at throwing his weight around had caused the geniuses of MI6 to find a new home underground or at least under the hustle and bustle of the notorious ...

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"Wow" Y/N L/N whistled in approval at the tech labs new digs, after Silva and Max Denbigh attempt at throwing his weight around had caused the geniuses of MI6 to find a new home underground or at least under the hustle and bustle of the notorious city of London. The y/h/c woman couldn't help the look of awe that filled her y/s/c face. "So where's my car Q?" Y/N asked the resident genius her y/e/c orbs falling upon a large blank space, a space roughly big enough to fit an Aston Martin DB10 if she was to hazard a guess. Jumping, the older man almost squealed at the y/h/c woman's voice. "About that 009..." the brown haired man mumbled a frown upon his face fiddling with his cardigan nervously the quartermaster struggled to form a sentence. "I'm... I'm sure you won't miss it on your next assignment." The Englishman declared weakly flickering his sea green eyes at the female Agent. Pouting the woman couldn't help but enjoy the man's awkwardness. It was borderline sadistic watching him squirm attempting to put distance between them but there was something about his nervous aura that intrigued Y/N. "How do you suggest I get to Monaco?" Y/N quizzed the man. "It's a shame you're cute isn't it?" The Agent teased, smiling to herself at the red hue that filled the tall man's face, watching him clumsily push his glasses further up his nose. Running a hand over the metal table, her elegant fingers occasionally brushing over a screw or forgotten spring . "Can't be angry with you letting Bond steal my equipment when you look like that." The y/h/c woman continued almost drawing blood as she bit her lip, a reaction brought on by the Englishman's delicious choked gasp at her statement.

Leaning forward to rest her elbows on the stainless steel furniture Y/N couldn't help but welcome the disappearance of her tense posture. "Any other gadgets for me Q or has Bond robbed me of those as well?" Y/N asked, rolling her eyes at the thought of the well known Agent swanning around god knows where in her car she'd been patiently waiting for no less. Bond's history also made the y/h/c girl extremely aware of the dwindling chance of getting the expensive car back in one piece. "Well we have a new radio transmitter for you.." Q explained turning around to reach for the black box that currently housed the new tools. Placing the case on the table the brown haired man couldn't help his trembling hands as he opened it. "And what pray tell is that?" Y/N scoffed suddenly standing up straight narrowing her y/e/c orbs at the hardware disguised as beauty products. "It's supposed to be undetectable, things any woman would be carrying?!" Q defended himself feebly, scared to put a foot wrong and face the wrath of the younger woman. "Christ, that's pathetic." Y/N spat gritting her teeth, finally inspecting the objects closer. Turning the lipstick case in her y/s/c hand Y/N scowled "It's not even my shade Q!" 

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