Lee Bodecker #2

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"Lee" Y/N mumbled drowsily into the dark her mind foggy

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"Lee" Y/N mumbled drowsily into the dark her mind foggy. "Can I have some water? I'm thirsty." the y/h/c woman continued her usually delicate tone groggy. The man in question froze, Lee Bodecker would never admit to it but over the past couple of years he'd changed not just externally but almost spiritually as well. It's like he'd done a 360. He used to love Y/N. Do anything for her. He was satisfied in his life. But now he found himself being the villain in his own story. "You can get it yourself God gave you feet didn't he?!" the Sheriff snapped ignoring his wife's soft sigh as she built the strength to rise from their shared bed.

Stumbling to the bathroom Y/N couldn't help but wonder where her fairytale had gone wrong. Lee was all that and a bag of chips when they first got together but that Lee had died long ago. "Turn that light off, some of us actually work for a living and have gotta get some sleep tonight!" the large man roared in anger. Closing the door gently Y/N reached for the small glass they kept in the medicine cabinet, struggling to keep her hands steady as the cold water slashed viciously half landing in the glass the other running down the woman's arm as it hit her y/s/c hand. Raising her the object to her chapped lips the y/h/c woman couldn't help but wince in pain. She'd have cried out if she hadn't bit her lip hard enough to draw blood. It was like someone had taken a red hot poker to her and was colourfully decorating her insides with the burning metal. "Lee..." Y/N called out weakly dropping the glass so zoned out she didn't notice it fall to the floor and smash into hundreds of shards. Seconds later it was Y/N falling to the floor only she didn't have the ability to stop herself from crashing her head into the bleach white sink. Maybe if Lee could bring himself to care enough to investigate the noise things would have been different. Help always came a little too late in the Bodecker household. 

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