Eddie the Eagle #4

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The L/N family used to be close

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The L/N family used to be close. They'd lived on the same street for the past 25 years, the home originally only occupied by Y/F/N and his wife Y/M/N. A few years later they were joined by a beautiful and bubbly baby girl Y/N. The days of picturesque game nights and home cooked meals were over. Y/M/N had sadly passed away leaving her husband and daughter to fend for themselves. It was good for a while, great even but now the house only seemed to be home to tension. Tension caused by one subject and one subject only. Eddie Edwards.

"He hasn't got a job Y/N!" The older man grumbled raising his well loved mug to his chapped lips "He leaves you at any moment to go gallivanting around the world for those ruddy daydreams of his. That's no life for my daughter!" The man continued ignoring the disheartened look on his child's face. "I don't care about any of that Dad! I love him."

"What about Nick from Electrical? He's a good looking young lad reliable too" Y/F/N continued to spout off ignoring his daughter's scowling.

"Well if he's that much of a catch you date him! Maybe if you had a relationship of your own you'd leave mine alone!"  the y/h/c girl yelled still trying to go to her room and start packing, Eddie was leaving again soon and this time she was determined to join him even if she did freeze her tits off in his old man's van. "I love him Dad! Why can't you just be happy for me!"

"Loving him is a mistake. You're wasting your life away on that one." The male scoffed, taking a sip of his Yorkshire tea, hoping his point had been made and would put an end to this silly palaver. "Then it's my mistake ok. Not yours, not mum's. Mine." Y/N mumbled before walking off. There wasn't nothing left to say... well shout. She wasn't a little girl anymore.

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