loving you

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Shruti was really nervous and a little bit scared too,she smiled to herself omg,Ahana really make me scared she was so anger and furious, when I broke up with her I geuss she is got every right too,she really waited for me patiently,I am so confused,I really didn't expected to fall for her at all ,that I will be love with a girl,that I will found love like this , they says love finds you when you're least expecting it, that's what exactly happened with me. I was brought up in a family where I always knew,love, affairs are never be accessed,and when I was in college, and me most of my friends are having boyfriends and all,I thought I don't want it as my family will never approve,but now it all makes sense,I never ever like some boy like that,geuss I always knew I was not attracted to boys ,but I never saw,any other couple than straight so always thought once I married like everyone else,I will found love,but my marriage was a total diaster,I don't want to remember anything about that abusive relationship,I just want this ligal divorce process to be end as soon as possible. As Shruti just zoomed out waiting for Ahana, Ahana walks in from the practice session. Shruti: Both looked at each other,Ahana a little supried as she seen Shruti after that night a week before, when Shruti break up with her. Ahana eyes locked with Shruti's for a couple of sec,next she just second she shrugged off and started walking towards her room. Ahana...... Shruti called by her name,but Ahana completely ingored her and kept walking. Ohhhh, she's not even looking at me,what to do, should I go to her room? What she just slammed the door on my face? Ohh Shruti be ready now for anything, she's not any girl she's Ahana oberioo,I have to try it rather than missing her like an idoit,if she says no,it's fine,but I have to tell her, what I exactly feels,I can't keep this inside me anymore,or I may explode.ok Shruti let's do it. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Shruti standing in front of Ahana's door, about to knock,ok, let's do this,she knocked the door. Ahana: opened the door immediately,as she was expecting Shruti to come back running behind her. As she saw Shruti,she didn't give any expression,just keeps the door open,for shruti to come in.         . Shruti: smiled ,thank god,at least She let me in. Ohh why I am feeling like I am in a exam hall and I am about to forget everything I learner. Ahana:                                                so.... Why are you here madam? Did you bring some message from Mrudula mam,that I am no longer captain of the team!                     Shruti: a little taken a back , hearing Ahana is already expecting Mrudula's decision. Aaaaa..... well I am not here as lecturer I came to see you as you know just Shruti. Shruti tried to get some ideas what is going on in Ahana's mind but she was so difficult to read right now,as of she just closed herself.            Ahana:                                          started laughing,ohhh dear really? As Shruti,you can't even say it ,can you? Are you even ashamed to call me your Girlfriend/ Ex or whatever you think I am,and tears filled in her eyes, she's trying to be all strong and ignorant,but as she saw Shruti looking at her eyes trying to figure out, something,her emotions just came out all blasting.                  Shruti:                                            seeing Ahana in tears ,ohhh baby, please don't cry,I know I really hurt you,I lost you cause I was not brave enough to accept my feelings for you,I just want you to be happy,and concentrate on your game dear, please just focus on your career , right now,I know you don't want me anymore,I really hurt you...and... Ahana:.                                               just shut up, shut up, you don't know anything about me,yaa your right you really hurt me,I thought I am the only one who can break heart,but you showed me that my heart can also be broken,may be I deserve this,and started crying again.                                             Shruti:.                                                 just don't understand how to handle this situation,she wasn't expecting Ahana to be crying and blaming herself,she thought Ahana will just give her full on attitude,but seeing her like this Shruti felt so geulty. She came close to Ahana, "baby , look at me please, don't cry,your a wonderful person sweetheart,you just deserve love , nothing else. Anyone will be lucky to have you . Ahana:                                                      I don't want anyone,I want you,you really don't want to be with me? Your really confusing me Shruti,I don't want your sympathy ,I want your love, love,if you can't love me ,just leave.                                Shruti: baby,life is not that simple,I have a lot of bagage with me,I am affride my past will haut you, don't you think,it will be better if you with someone your age, single, with no issues.                                      Ahana: wow,it's a nice way to reject someone,I don't want your lecture, just leave me alone,in fact I am leaving this compitition, this college, everything, happy?                       Shruti: what? Are you mad? If one relationship doesn't work,your going to leave everything ,your dreams,your career,I thought your a smart girl,but your just a rich girl with full of herself who wants everything she likes, maybe your so called love is just your stubbornness you just want everything you're way.                                                Ahana: wow,you thought about me like that, thanks for saying it,you think I am just a rich bitch, great, what else,come on give it up all, what more bad qualities do I have, come on ,spell it.                          Shruti:                                               ohhh Ahana,I am just asking you,to concentrate on your game, don't you get that.                                 Ahana:                                           no,you just said I am a rich girl full of myself,do you think I am deaf and idoit too, don't twist your words.                                            Shruti: you know what , you are really giving me headache,I can't keep arguing with you.               Ahana:                                              now I am headache, great,are you come here to insult me.                            Shruti: what? Insult you? I came here cause I care for you,I love you,I am absolutely crezy for you,but why you care,you just don't want to listen,your just twisting my words it's a bad idea to come here and talk to you,bye.... As Shruti turns to walk away. Ahana stopped her.           Ahana:.                                              wait, wait, what did you just said? You love me....... Shruti....            BShruti:                                         yaaa,as if it's a suprise ,in one week my love is not going to evouporate, don't you get it?                           Ahana:                                Evouporate,?wow,I am dating a science lecturer, your not letting me forget that. Shruti: ohhh,ya I mean,I should use something romantic,but I am not good at this,I told you...you should get.... Ahana come close and shuuuuu sh Shruti,just shut up and let me kiss you. Ahana Kissing Shruti passionately,ohh baby,I miss you so..much now I am not let you go, anywhere your mine only mine. Shruti lost in Ahana's eyes and her alluring saint her soft lips, testing like straberry,she was completely lost it ,she wants Ahana so much.....every inches of her body and soul, wanted to be with the love of her life.                                              A/N : Happy Sunday lovely reders, Hope you like today's update,I know I am not really good at writing romantic scenes,but I am trying,I assure you,much more to come , keep up with my story,vote,shar, comment

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