The plan

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Ahana's father Amit oberioo, arrived in india from his long tour to Germany.As Ahana told ther mother about Shruti, Ahana's mom really freked out and called her father,on the contrary he is pretty cool about of all this.

Amit oberioo the leading business personalities along with few others.he came from a medal class background ,his hardwork ,delication, innovative ideas and , thinking ahead time made him the successful person he is now.

He is not only a successful business man but also a family man,love his wife and of course his only daughter,Ahana means the world to him.As both of them he and his wife are most of the time away from home ,he always worried about Ahana,so he asked some close friends to take care of her,at the same time,he knew the nature of Ahana she don't anyone interface her life,so he asked his people to keep a eye on her at a distance,and not ever invade Ahana's person space. Vicky was his long time assistant,and also a close family friend,Vicky noticed something he never all these years, which is Ahana with a person on and off and it's none other than her lecture Shruti seth.

He immediately called Amit oberioo and told hem , something he noticed out of ordinary,Amit oberioo listen Vicky carefully and asked to collect all the information about Shruti,her past,her family background,her education qualification,all of it. Amit was satisfied that Shruti is a good person,she suffered a lot,but always being a bigger person helping anyone she can so she's so popular in her college in such a short time,and Amit also noticed Shruti got a very positive impact on his daughter Ahana.

Ahana oberioo the most popular girl in town, always partying, wasting money on her friends and her unwanted expenditure ,her father always ask her to value Money but ,Ahana never listen, She's the only child so Amit let her enjoy ,all her expenditure are paid by oberioo accounts,he noticed it is drastically reduced since Ahana being with Shruti,and Vicky told Amit they only go out once a while to a perticular coffee shop,and there too Shruti and Ahana split the bills.

Amit was really impressed by Shruti as she never try to take advantage of Ahana's name or her money,he thought this is the best Ahana can get ,he is pretty cool with rest of the things, like Shruti's age,her social background,her financial status,and obsiovsly she's a woman,Amit accepted long back his daughter is bisexual ,and it doesn't matter whom she loves as long as that person makes her happy,And Ahana was happy. He always thought if they are really in love they will be together no matter what,and if it's just a fling then it will be over anyway so why worry.

Amit and Nikita sitting across the dinning table.

Nikita: I don't know how can you be so cool about all this gf thing of our daughter?

Amita: my dear wife,why don't you just accept it,our daughter came up as bi long time still just....I don't know what to say...

Nikita: ya ya I know that,but this what you told her name aa..Shruti, she's no match to us .how can we just sit here and be ok with this I don't know.

Amit: cause it's your daughter's choice,and you have to agree on one thing let's be honest it's not easy to be Ahana's gf,Ahana got all the mood swings and tentrum,no one can ever show,she can be a angle in one moment and devil the if Shruti's with her she definitely love her..on other reason.

Nikita: laughed yaa I agree ,our daughter can be so rude,so dramatic and she's a angle at the same time,but she's Ahana oberioo it suits her,and whoever this Shruti is of course She is holding on my daughter ,she won a jackpot,A billionaire daughter,most hot and happning girl in the town ,what else she could ask.

Amit: ohh dear,you just don't accept ,ok,let me tell you one thing I collected all the data possible about Shruti,not a single thing going against her, she's all good ,even her ex husband can't produce a single witness against her , nothing, eventually he withdrew his case, look we don't have to worry about our daughter as long as she's with Shruti.
And to be honest, Shruti's parents should be worried their daughter in with Ahana oberioo,ha ha ha,ohhh poor people don't have any Idea what's going on,they don't even know their daughter into girls.and that not any girl,The famous one and only Ahana oberioo,ha ha ha ohh my..

Nikita: why are you laughing , Nikita really pissed , she's not finding anything funny,you know how can you say like that about our own daughter...if shuruti didn't came out to her parents it's their problem,and I am sure they will be happy to even able to see my daughter,not everyone has that pleasure to meet Ahana oberioo.

Amit: you know success gone into your head this is not some business deal,it's a relationship and only feelings matter,I suggest ,let Ahana handle her love life ,and you don't even think about interfering,if Ahana found out she will react very harsh,I think you know your daughter ,she hates when we invade her personal space,

Looking at Nikita dear I  know you care about our daughter but it's her life,if she needs anything we will be there,but let's stay out of this ok

Nikita: well ,amit I can't promise anything when it's about Ahana I will if I want,we both have different options I respect yours  hope you too respect mine.

Amita: sighly heavily ok ,as you wish,I am here a couple of days.and then back to Germany,just saying one thing Shruti is good ,she will bring stability to our daughter's life which is essential,and believe me if Ahana loves her ,it's a win win situation for us ,cause I don't think Shruti is a kind of person who is ever into Money, power, media attention and all, which is best,cause if this news breaks our daughter is dating some girl,you know what could happen,it's known in our close circuit only that Ahana like girls too ,Shruti will always keep low profile. It's all good dear

And besides Ahana will be happy that we support her choice,and not to forget she's going to take over this business,if we support her personal life,she will listen to us and concentrate on our business,so..
Let her to be happy and you too be happy.

Nikita: sighly heavily... well you got a point there,still I am not sure about Shruti... let's see ,Amit scratching her head ...hmm ok.. just don't mess it up .

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