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Nikita oberioo.... quickly got into her  car herself....and drove to the " Cigma Hospital".....she wants to see her daughter....hug her tightly......

Ahana is their only daughter....and of course she loves her...more than anything...all Nikita wants  her baby to recover fast....she was so relieved that Ahana came to her senses.....

All the media gathered around the hospital primicaes...all the electronic media ppls towards the car which Nikita oberioo driving as it enter....the main gate.....

The security personnel and police had to literally... guard mrs.oberiooto escort from the media the main building..of the hospital where Ahana is admitted..

Nikita was really she hate her not given any privacy....and her daughter's tragic accident is made some spicy breking news...she really controlling herself... didn't want the media to give another lashing out on  them.

Finally entered the ICU chamber......where Ahana is .... under observation.

The doctor himself was present there along with the sister. Ahana was sleeping.....her face looks better than before.. still unconscious.

Nikita: sitting next to her daughter's bed... touching Ahana's forehead... tenderly... kissing it gently...tears rolled down her cheeks...

My baby..wake to me .. then looking at doc.." you said she wakes up...but she's still... everything ok...we can move her to newyork... London... anywhere in the world..if u can't handle this's more than 24 hrs....why is she still unconscious?"

Doctor: ohhhh mrs.oberioo...dont be panic...your daughter is absolutely fine.....she wake up half an hour fact even talk to her friend... what's her name again.. sister..

Sister: She is nervous as she saw the doctor so front of mrs.oberioo...ohhh yaaa ...the same person you asked me to call before.she came immediately....was here Almost an hour ago.... She really care about your daughter... Stayed here  three / four hours ......we have to ask her to leave as you want to see your daughter and we can't have more than one person visiting........the same person who's name your daughter bubbling when she first brought's...aaaa...

Nikita: talked to her...and again got unconscious

Doctor: no's not like that...Ahana hit on her we given her painkiller..but she wakes up.. when her.. friend..came... geuss she was talking to the's always help....and patient wake up talk to her..aa Shruti..yaa.. means everything is she recognised her's clear no internal just stiches soo....I given another dose of painkiller.... she's all can take her home.. Mrs oberioo...the discharged papers are also ready.

Mrs. Oberioo: Really...I can take her home ... that's great.... thanks doc..sorry for earlier....I clearly see..

Doctor: I's absolutely fine...still I must say your daughter is extremely lucky....cause's a rare case ....hit on the head major injury.... she's really blessed.

Mrs . oberioo: of course She's blessed.. she's Ahana oberioo after all.

Doctor: smiled ......mrs.oberioo .....I didn't mean like that....I saw many billionaire suffer..have money and all the best medical facilities....I meant your daughter... definitely got ppls around her who loves her unconditionally....and here for her ,I   call  our staff ..they will...let you and the our special ambulance.... from the back gate...and I am sending my best staff to take care of your's done from my. Behalf.

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