love- hate

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It was Thursday, Shruti after attaining her lecture on third year class, gestured Ahana to follow her,out of the class. Ahana immediately follow her ,it's not usual,that Shruti asked Ahana to come to talk to her,in college,she gives her looks and smile ,but avoid talking, Today was the other way around,Shruti completely ignored Ahana in the class,Ahana really tried hard to get Shruti's attention, asking her questions about the topic and all,Shruti answered them ,but avoided looking at Ahana, making Ahana a little pissed,and a little worried, Ahana smiled to herself noticing the change,if someone ever avoided her, she is never going to give that person even a look,but with Shruti, She is like ,is everything ok,why she so tense today, why she's not smiling, maybe that's what called always find a way to forgive person you love,and find more reasons to love.                 Shruti: looking at Ahana,I am not coming tomorrow,and maybe day after tomorrow too in college,I gave two days leave application.         Ahana: why,?it means I am going to see you , after 3 days,on Monday,baby........                         Shruti: 'Ahana' ( scolding Ahana with her eyes) can You pls,not babe me,here,in class corridor, students are already looking at us.            Ahana:                                       shrugging her shoulder,ok,ok,mam,may I know, why your given two days leave application?                                   Shruti: I got court date tomorrow,and on Saturday some family function,so... And please don't call me ,I will call you when I get time,ok,bye. Ahana had so many questions,but Shruti just disappear saying bye.                                    Ahana: Really,? losing her patience now,Shruti always call all the shots, when to call, when to meet,Ahana just hated this arrangement,it's like Shruti doing some social work,by loving her. Ahana mentally scolding herself," do she even like me" I had enough of this,and what is she meant by don't call,what she thinks of herself,I am Ahana oberioo,not some deaparate girl,who can't have anyone, enough of this I am breking up with her. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Shruti in court with her lawyer. Shruti: ( to her lawyer)                   mam how long it will take it's 6 months already,our case haven't progress a bit?                              Lawyer: "Shruti" , this is family court,it will take time,plus the judge are on leave,so it will be no proceedings today.             Shruti:what? Mam,I am taken leave from my job,to attain court date ,and now,your saying........ Lawyer: what to do? I too just came to know,at least we got to know , otherwise you will be sitting here all day, now go home and rest,I let you know the next date.              Shruti: getting really frastrated,she hated it, coming to court, sitting there, running behind her lawyer,carring bundles of documents, Xerox copies ,this and that,and the procedure is taking so much time.......... She can't live her life,it's like she stuck there,she hated her status, she's neither married nor divorced. Mentally frastration,fuck my life.yet another date.                                                 Shruti went home,and sleept the whole day, she's not in the mood to talk to anyone,not even Ahana..... when things don't go as you expected we start doing overthinking............ Shruti too, Started over ananylising the whole situation,she came to the conclusion,it's not good to make Ahana wait for her always,it's like I am trapping her in my problems, She is young, beautiful,she should have all the fun she wanted,I am not giving her anything,I sometimes wonder why she loves me,but it's not fair to her,I should let her go,I love her, she is the only one that brings me joy, happiness, satisfaction,but I can't be so selfish,I have to let her go,she deserves better, with me she's just on hold and waiting........ The next day on Saturday, there is some family function so Shruti's whole family is going out, Shruti said she's got headache and avoided going,and stay alone at her house. She's got something on her mind. She called Ahana.......                                      Shruti: on mobile, Ahana I wann say something really important,are you free?                                               Ahana: yaa,I am free all the time,your the one who's besy. Shruti: " Ahana" , can you cut that tone please.                                  Ahana: No ,I won't ,I am not your doll,if you say dance,I will dance,if you say stop I will stop.               Shruti: what? Why are you saying all these things? When did I treat you like that? I mean seriously, can't we talk without any drama, for once.                                              Ahana: wow, this is great,did you just said ,I do drama? You just keep avoiding me for weeks,I am not even allowed to call you,it's like my love is burden to you.                  Shruti: I already told you,you have to be patient with me........ Ahana cutting Shruti ....                          Ahana: ya ya....I remember that lecture, please just honest with me for once,do you even like me forget love !                                             Shruti: what? You doute that too,wow,I am risking everything for you,and your asking me...this,you know this is all a big mistake,your right I don't love you, happy, don't call me ever again,good bye. .......and cut the call.                     Ahana: .....what the hell? did she just hung up on me, enough is enough,she breking up with me, blaming me,wow how convenient,I am not letting you go so easily Shruti Seth now you see what I can do,you seen the sweet Ahana now redy to face the badass Ahana,I will make your life a living hell,it's not so easy to break my heart and be free,your going to pay for this.           A/N: ha ha, enjoying the twist, let me know,your thoughts,vote ,shar, comment.

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