1) Rifts

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*No one's pov*

Camp Oasis a camp of people who are the children of gods. It's been a place that has had corruption and evil deities rising to cause chaos. However that didn't stop the campers from taking part in games and fun activities. 2 years has passed since the big events of many corrupted people turning good and evil deities being defeated.

In a house far from the camp the wind blows softly as a crib rocks back and forth, child of Anubis and Aphrodite demigods sleeps peacefully under the careful watch of his parents. A married couple smile as the smell of flowers and fresh leaves fill the air.

In camp bros gather to hangout and demons socialize on the side being able to do that as long as their host is alive for the most part. Time and chaos go back and forth about signing adoption papers.

A idiotic death child and a quiet death child hangout as a big Nordic enjoys a drink and donut, although that's not going to fill him.

Far from the camp hidden away the child of Ares god of war works on restoring a badly damaged Rose with the help of the deity of doom.

Everything was peaceful until it wasn't. The sky turned purple and a tear like hole opened up in the sky and you could see the galaxy through this now newly opened rift. People began to float up without warning and got sucked into the rift. In a desperate attempt to keep the family together the son of Aphrodite try to grab onto his child before they get completely sucked in. Who knows if his hand made it to the baby.

Bros grab onto one another and the ones enjoying a donut try to grab onto the nearest secure object, but to no avail. The evil deities unsure of how things will go let's things happen.

The rift soon shrinks till it was nothing. Those who witnessed all this stood in shock. No words could be said nothing. All that could be said was a single question.

"What happened?"


Grimshade, Divinus Magia, La Carnival, and the Protector Guilds were having a normal day training, taking quests, hanging out, and more. They were not expecting a rift to open and spit people out of it. Groups landed in different area. Fallen from the sky, but no damage done. Demigods get up to face wizards holding swords and are fully prepared to attack if need be.

-At the Protectors-

Lo'pho a sort of cat with human like features points a sword at the two who landed near them. One of them reacted to this by pulling out his own sword and points it back at Lo'pho.

Jakey, Bryan, Maina, Nick, and Kay all watch as the winged man also know as Bryan stares at Lo'pho. The other one with four fluffy tails and jackal ears named Inpu gets and pulls out his book to whack someone with.

-At Divinus Magia-

Child of the moon, Cal, stands his ground protecting his Bros from an angry lighting wizard with several wizards behind him.

"Why can't I hit him!?" The guild leader known as Ritchie said as sparks came off his body.

"I already said you are not going to touch them!" Cal yelled as the small scratch he got earlier was bleeding a bit.

"Brother calm down." The twin of Ritchie named Brandon said as he tried to calm down the situation with the other wizards known as Lucas, David, Blake, Mario, Kit, Devin/Eden, and Lara.

"Neh bro we can fight together you know." The big bro known as Davis said from behind Cal as Little bro or Riccaro and middle bro or Lychee got up.

"Rather not besides we're not going to attack them." Cal said as Ritchie stared down at him.

Ritchie stopped attacking but his eyes never once left them. Ricarro came in front of Cal and yelled.

"You leave Neh bro alone!" Ricarro huff as he stared at Ritchie

"Riccaro!" Cal said as he grabbed and pulled Ricarro behind him.

"Oh Mama Cal not happy." Lychee remarked with a sly smile

"Seriously?" Cal said before he looked back that the crowd of wizards.

No one made a move for a long time. That was until Brandon spoke up. "So your not going to attack us, if that's the case then answer this. How and why are you here?"

-At Grimshade-

The children of death or Magnus and Xylo stood their grounds as Nad the Nordic kept his distance not wanting to get into a fight. After all he's not the fighter.

The leader of Grimshade Allumos/Patrick O'Connor stood their with his second in command Viper. Michael, Marshie, Colin, Seek, and Jericho were there watching.

"So first a rift opens, next a small group of people show up what's next? Are you guys going to tell me you come from a whole different continent? Or what?" Allumos said starring at Xylo.

"I'm going to be honest with you, but I'm not sure. I mean are you guys like.... I don't know.-" Xylo was cut off by Magnus

"Shh we don't know if we can trust them so don't tell them anything." Magnus said

"I see well then. How about this, we won't attack you if you don't attack us. Sound fair?" Allumos said

Magnus looked at Xylo before they both lowered their guards a bit. Nad also joined them. Allumos had the Grimshade mages also keep their magic down as Michael stepped forward getting close and reached to touch Magnus's ears to see if they where real. Magnus pulled out a dagger and tried to slash at Michael.

"Woah there no need to pull out daggers here." Michael said

"Then don't touch me." Magnus said as she put away to dagger

"Fair enough." Michael said.

-At La Carnival-

Jazz stood there looking down at the small child, a baby to be more specific. He looked around before picking up the child being careful of his hands. The baby's ears that were flat perked up when he got picked up.

Jazz walked to the La Carnival guild to see if anyone there could take care of a small baby who has wings a tail and fluffy ears.

"Who's child is this?" Jazz thought as he speed walked.

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