18) Past Visions?

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*Ritchie's pov*

Ok first things first. I'm sitting here in my office thinking about the things that have occurred over the past couple of days.

First is Indoles. A young teen who joined Divinus Magia and had worked for Devil's Tongue a dark guild who is seeking our destruction for some reason like taking away Jupiter who is the demon that took over my brothers body. To top it off I found out there was a person in our kitchen eating only carrots and apparently they have a criminal record so now and they're friend is staying at Divinus.

I sighed before something shot through my head. I shook my head before seeing like this almost flashback. It looks like it takes place in a snowy place with those demigods.

"Alright I'm going to throw it!"

"Go ahead."

The Hammer got thrown but as it got closer and closer to the face of the person clearly Cal it slowed down and went back to the other person clearly Ricarro.

"Woah! Did you guys see that!"

"What ----- it never left-----"

"---- Time"

I shook my head as the vision almost got more and blanked out words got cut off. What was that?

I sighed. The people recognized was Cal, Ricarro, Xylo, and Nad. Those where the only three I saw I know there's others but....why am I even worrying about it oh wait ya it's a random vision clearly from the demigods point of view and it shows events I probably don't care about and or already happened so why am I getting them? Wait are others seeing this as well? I got my answer when Brandon my brother came in.

"Hey Ritchie did you get this weird vision thing as well. A few others on the island seemed to have gotten it as well like Lucas and David." Brandon said

"Ya I got one. What did yours look like?" I asked

"Mine was like this event that happened at a ball. Lychee and Bryan where talking about something coming back but I don't understand." Brandon said

"Mine took place in a snowy place there where more people but I saw Cal, Ricarro, Nad and Xylo. They where messing around with time and a hammer." I said and Brandon though about it.

"Looks like this is only affecting certain people. Kat doesn't seem to have gotten one, Mario hasn't, Lara, Indoles, and a few other haven't gotten one. Only you, me, and David and Lucas seemed to have gotten it." Brandon said

"What if it's not just our guild. What if other guilds got this as well." I said

"As much as I'd like an answer for this I don't think we'll get one easily." Brandon said

"Ya, also our main focus is the GMG and making sure that it going on smoothly." I said and Brandon nodded.

We'll get answers for this later.

*Cal's pov*

I have so many questions but I doubt I'll have them answered. Why did I get this weird vision about Lucas and this woman in this dark water chamber of sorts and what do they mean by seal. I took a deep breath as I walked outside. I needed a breather and clearly this vision isn't helping out my situation.

Before I completely left I grabbed a book to read. I walked past Lucas's house and saw him in his pool so I decided to jump over the fence and sat down on his back porch I guess and started to reading.

A bit later I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked behind me to see Plant. I smiled and opened my arm and let Plant sit in my lap and continued to read. Reading a passage of the book to Plant since that's what they wanted.

After a bit I had fallen asleep. I don't know how long I've been asleep but when I opened my eyes I saw Lucas sitting next to me with a tea set. He was talking to a lady who I didn't recognize.

"Oh he's awake!"

"Please keep your voice down Miss P." Lucas said as I looked around a bit.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked

"I'd say a good couple of hours." Miss P said

"Oh not as bad as I think." I said before realizing that Plant was sleeping as well.

"Oh now that's adorable." I said

I watched plant for a bit before a cup of tea was held out too me. I looked up to Miss P before taking the tea.

"Thank you." I said

"No problem." Miss P said

"Consider Miss P like a mother figure in this guild. Sure David doesn't like her too much but he doesn't see what things Miss P has taught us." Lucas said

"I can understand being a mother figure. Lychee and Ricarro had me adopted them." I said chuckling

"Oh that must be fun, both excited and non excited." Lucas said

"Maybe they'll enjoy some tea as well." Miss P said pouring herself another glass of tea. We stayed quiet for a bit before I thought of asking Lucas something.

"Hey Lucas can I ask you a question?" I asked

"Sure" he said

"So I don't know how personal this is but why did I see a sort of vision of you with this other person in a dark dripping water filled box?" I asked and Lucas stopped.

"If your going to ask that can I ask you a question as well?" Lucas said looking at me

"Sure" I said

"Who is Set and why did I get a vision of you dying?"

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