8) Camp Oasis

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*Kayla's pov*

Gone. Just gone. Ever since those rifts opened in the camp people have gone missing I made a list of who and it's quite a few people. I've already made it aware to the other campers and Mario is a bit upset because Xylo promised some time for training.

Solis is upset because Magnus and Inpu and Bryan have disappeared and Momiji is keeping her hopes up. Oh ya and Mania is keeping her calm by staying with her brother.

It's been hard to keep up people's spirits when you have your own thing you need to do but at the same time I don't want this is be a sad camp. Oh gods where are they? They need to come home soon, Xylo was like a second in charge for the Greek pantheon because of how long he's been here with us, and no offense to Jakey, but he's been going on soul searching things not to mention I'm pretty sure he still has a picture of Bryan on his nightstand.

I sighed as I knocked on Maina's door and waited. Her brother answered the door and I greeted him as I walked in and went downstairs. I saw Maina under her blankets again so I pulled up a chair.

"Hey Maina I can see your not doing the best however if you can bring yourself to talk with me I'd appreciate that." I said

"Hmmm.....what?" She said peaking out from her blankets.

"Hey I wanted to request your help." I said

"Why?" She asked

"Well I'm trying to look into the rifts that opened and I can't be in two places at once so I was wondering if you could help me do researching. Who knows maybe we'll find a way to get them back." I said, I already know that she understands what I mean by them.

".....fine." she said as she sat up her brother smiled as I told her about visiting Momiji and seeing if she could come help

She nodded and soon enough we made our way to Momiji's place. We ran into Solis along the way and as much of a idiot he can be the more help the more likely we can find the rest of the campers and find a way to bring them back.

We got to Momiji's and I could feel the gloom in the air. Momiji was definitely not happy I only hope this helps I can't stand seeing my campers like this.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I heard a small come in and I opened to door. I walked in with Maina and we saw Momiji sitting in the corner looking at some pictures that Riccaro had made when he first came to camp.

"Hey Momiji." I said sitting down

"What do you what?" She asked not taking her eyes off the pictures.

"I want your help. I'm going to try to look into these rifts and try to find the campers we lost. Ricarro would be one of them." I said

Momiji's ears twitched and she looked at us. There was some hope in her eyes and I offered a hand to her. She looked at it before taking it and stood up.

"I could get Riccaro back?" Momiji asked

"If this goes the way I think it does then yes you would. The rifts keep opening up around camp so that means we have more chances to study the rift and figure out where it goes." I said with a smile

"Don't worry Momiji I understand what your going through here." Maina said

"Oh ya you have Davis don't you." Momiji said and Maina nodded

"Well I guess I could help out. I would like to get Riccaro back, and the other campers because they are a lot of fun to be with." Momiji said as the mood lighten up a bit.

"Awesome let's go I have some paper and other tools to see where this rift goes." I said and I walked out with Maina and Momiji and Solis, although he soon ran off on his own

I hope this works out.

*Momiji's pov*

Each rift was very different to each other. There was a purple one that had a galaxy look to it and there was a green one that had patterns that looked a lot like the water when the sun is shining like you being underwater and the pattern you see under the water.

We were looking into the purple one when all of the suddenly I felt a pull. I tried to fight back against it and it worked until another rift opened behind me. Exact same rift just behind me I cried out and Maina grabbed onto me and Kay but their grips loosened and I got sucked in.

I closed my eyes tightly and soon enough I felt like I was falling. I opened my eyes to see where I was but before I could tell I hit the water. When I woke up, I was on the main land on a couch.

"Oh good you woke up."

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