61) Aftermath and Talks

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*Cal's pov*

Abraham teleported us out and I sighed as Khonsu left. I looked at Galrin who's eye's haven't left me ever since I showed up.

"Your unusual. Most people freak out when they see gods take over. Although you have one yourself." Galrin said

"Khonsu comes and goes as he wants, and for the most part we cause no trouble to each other." I said


"We should head back to the guild. Knowing how Ritchie had a similar time I think it's worth mentioning this to him." I said starting to walk

"You do realize I could kill you right now right?" Galrin said as I stopped and looked at her

"Umm yes I do know but even if I did die what good would it do to you?" I asked as Galrin thought about it before she slightly glared at me

"...your being tricky here aren't you." Galrin said

"I'm asking because last time, I died but was brought back, I was fighting the literal god of Chaos." I said as I touch my throat.

"...let's move somewhere else the boy's waking up I'm sure he's noticed I've taken control and will want to talk." Galrin said and I nodded.

"You know if you want I can give you a piggy back ride." I said

"Not here, and definitely not when I'm in control." Galrin said as we walked together.

In the end we found an alley way and Galrin closed his, her, eyes. I took this chance and picked up Lucas and got him on my back. He's still in god Slayer form but I don't care I need to get him to Divinus Magia. I stopped time so that I could move forward with the same amount of energy and as soon as I got to the docks I unstopped time. I got on the ship and waited. Lucas soon came back into control and he looked at me

"Hey. Hope you don't mind I'm taking us back to the guild." I said with a smile

"Preferable in all honesty." Lucas said before he began to struggle a bit and Galrin took over again.

"This ships slow." Galrin said grabbing me and hopped onto the water made me water surf with him/her.

"Unexpected but ok." I said holding onto Galrin before we got to the docks

"Ok just got to get to one of the guild leaders." Lucas said walking forward. I helped him out before he was struggling a lot, must be an imbalance of going back and forth.

We made it up to the guild meeting room and Lucas fell to his knees and I helped him up to continue walking and soon we made it up stairs and to the guild office. I let Lucas go as he walked in. Ritchie was there so I let them be. I heard Lucas say thank you and I nodded my head. I left them to talk and I walked downstairs to where I hear clatter. I walked into the kitchen to see Oakley looking at spices. I tapped the wood door a couple of times to get his attention so that if I spoke he wouldn't get scared. He looked at he and he smiled.

"Hello Cal!" He said

"Hey whatcha doing?" I asked walking over.

"Making a spicy Japanese soup!" Oakley said

"Oh how did you learn?" I asked before walking in and I felt this aura.

"Umm....cook book?" Oakley said and I looked at the sword leaning on the wall.

"Cal? Hello? Cal?" Oakley said and I looked back at him and saw it. An old camper that I never really got to meet. If I remember from his statue his name was Minamoto.

"A Japanese camper from 2 year ago." I said and Oakley looked shocked.

"Wait...how?" Oakley said backing up.

"I can see him. I can't hear him but I can see him next to you." I said

"O-oh." Oakley said looking the the demigod.

"Can you hear me now?" Minamoto said and I nodded.

"Your a spirit now huh." I said

"Yes I am!" He said and I nodded.

"You guys know each other?" Oakley asked

"I personally don't know him but I'm sure the name Davis will ring a bell maybe?" I said and Minamoto nodded.

"He was known as big bro. He was the best bro out of that group."

"He is indeed really cool." I said

"Wow you guys know each other." Oakley said fascinated and I looked at him and the image of a distressed Flurry and angry Ritchie came to my head.

"Hey Oakley while your baking this can I speak to you?" I asked feeling bad for the separate couple.

"Sure what is it?" Oakley asked and I looked at Minamoto and he seemed to understand that I wanted a serious conversation and turned away focusing on other things.

"What are your thoughts of your parents?" I asked leaning on the wall

"Well Flurry's a great mom and Ritchie, I'd have to be around him a bit more to say anything." Oakley said as he worked more on the soup

"Ok. Is it weird to know that your a different age then you actually look like?" I asked ad Oakley stopped and looked at me

"What are you saying?" He asked trying to understand me.

"I mean, I'm putting the offer of making you look like your actual age or maybe even younger so you can have a family that's not Devil's Tongue." I said as I held out my hand a bit

"I-..." Oakley didn't finish and focused back on the soup or raman as it looks like.

"Why are you doing so much for us?" Oakley asked while stirring

"Because I know what it's like to be used. I was more threatened then anything but I did a lot of bad things that I regret. I wish I could turn back time that far back and just avoid it all but I can't. Your young still I can make it so that you don't have to carry that burden because it's not fun to carry." I said sounding as honest as possible.

"...I-" Oakley stopped and looked at me

"I want to think about it, also if there was an age you where going to go what age?" Oakley asked I could see Minamoto helping out probably helping Oakley sound like a professional.

"The age is your choice but most likely 7 or younger." I said and Oakley looked down

"I'll think about it." Oakley said turning away and I nodded.

"Ya I'll give you time. Just know I'm not going to stay here forever." I said as I left the kitchen leaving Oakley be.

I hope I made the right choice. Oh Khonsu what have I gotten myself into.

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