32) Magic, Dragons, Raging Nordic

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*Kit's pov*

Ok this night is just getting worst to better to even worst. What I'm I suppose to do in this kind of situation. Huh? I know I'm going to get in trouble for leaving the guild island but seriously I was not expecting to have to face a dragon that can literally kick off Allumos. I sent a few attacks at the dragon as well as Nix. Brandon and Allumos double attacked but even with all our attacks it does little damage.

"Ok this is ridiculous." Nix said

"Ya I know how the hell do we take these things down!?" I yelled

"It's just like 400 years ago. All over again" Allumos mumbled to himself but we can all hear him

"Ok give me a moment I can help out if I'm not like this." Nix said and he changed his entire appearance to this demon looking look.

"Woah you look so cool." I said

"He he why thank you" Nix chuckled and I was so busy admiring Nix I didn't realize that Jupiter Brandon's demon was trying to take control.

The dragon attacked us and it knocked us back. Allumos began to freak out muttering things like, it's just like 400 years ago, we can't do this, this is impossible, keep calm keep calm... There's a fricken dragon here! I walked over to him and raised my hand up and I slapped him as hard as I could.

"Get it together! Aren't you supposed to be the strongest dragon slayer here get a grip!" I yelled at him

Allumos breathed as he looked shocked. He blinked a few time as he turned his head slowly too me.

"Damn I heard that one Kit." Nix slightly whistled as he shook his head before looking at the dragon again. Allumos nodded his head a couple of time before taking a big inhale.

"Thanks. I needed that." Allumos said

"No problem, now let's kick some dragon butt!" I yelled as Allumos asked Brandon to do a unison raid with him.

Nix got the dragon down into the ground and I made a fire wall to cause a bit of damage if I could. That's when I finally noticed it. It was so quick and before I knew it Jupiter was in control and he had bolted grabbing Nix holding him by his throat.

"There you are you damn troublemaker." Jupiter growled as he glared at Nix

"Oh hello *cough* master Jupiter" Nix manage to slightly grunt out

"Hey put him down! And give me back my guild leader!" I yelled at Jupiter.

"No can do. Besides I have a traitor to kill." Jupiter said

"Traitor? Nix you.. you where part of devil's tongue?" I asked shocked to hear this

"Ya but I left because I got bored." Nix said chuckling but coughed when Jupiter tightened his grip.

"Ok can we save this for later we have a dragon we need to deal with before it eats us all." Allumos said and Jupiter looked behind him to see the dragon getting out of the ground.

"Dragon scum" Jupiter said

"Yes now I have a prepositional for you and can help out by unison raiding that thing or just let it eat you" Allumos said

"Hmmm... Fine I'll help" Jupiter said dropping Nix.

"I'm only doing this because I know it'll cause damage to Atlantide." Jupiter said

"Whatever you say." Allumos said as both got into a position but before we could charge up any sort of an attack something came flying out of the sky.

"Hahaha come on little Nordic I'm over here!" The thing called it's voice unnerving in a unnecessary way.

"What the hell is that?" Jupiter asked as the flying person looked towards us

"Huh? Oh an audience with a dragon just like the last group." It said, it's green eyes stared straight at us before moving and he flew up just in time to avoid something that came crashing into the dragon.


A yell of just, I don't know. It wasn't a nice roaring yell though. The dust cleared and we saw a small crater but in the middle was the dragon and someone with orange and black armor.

"Oh you still upset?" The person said before the armored man jumped up and smashed his fist into the flying person and set them right into the ocean with a very big splash.

The dragon moved and I got into a position to fight but the person that crashed into it grabbed the dragons horn and while growling broke it off with ease and he got up and threw it into the water.

"I'm up here little Nordic" I looked over to see the flying person again.


"Yes?" The person I'm assuming is S.R said

"What is all this?" Jupiter asked

"I can see why Xylo said never make him angry" Nix said

"Wait what what do you mean?" I asked

"Well I asked Nad why he hates getting angry and Xylo told us about this rage mode of his. It's a blind rage as he calls it." Nix said chuckling.

"A blind rage?" Jupiter asked raising an eyebrow

"Oh ya you don't know there are people here called demigods they are people who are blood related to gods and have their powers. Nad the Nordic of vengeance, never make him angry otherwise you might get this." Nix said pointing at Nad who picked up the dragon and threw it with ease into the ocean before chasing after the S.R person.

"Wait what's going to happen to that S.R person!?' I yelled

"Don't worry about the S.R he's the one who caused this anyways." I heard a voice say and before I knew it Lychee shot out and spun his scythe around and grabbed into Nad pulling him back down to ground

"Xylo! Magnus!" Lychee yelled and two other people jumped up.

Both held out their hands and started to chant something while one of them had a book in his hand. A big black portal opened and Nad sunk into it. As soon as he was fully through the portal closed.

"Well well I guess my funs over" S.R laughed happily

"Rose! I swear to god! Why can't you just stay dead!" The book holding person said

"Well this got interesting but unfortunately I have to go." Jupiter said and he left as Brandon got back control and stumbled a bit before Allumos grabbed him

"What happened?" Brandon asked

"I'll explain later Brandon" I said as I looked at the demigods who were watching the other person, I'm assuming bad Peron by their interactions with him, fly away.

"There has got to be a lot is explaining to be done." Allumos said as the demigods looked at us.

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