19) Explanation and Demonic Power

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*Lucas's pov*

After I asked Cal my question he froze, like you can literally see his body tensing up and his face clearly showed uncomfortableness.

"Oh I'm sorry did that come out to-" I began but Miss P stopped me.

"Raindrops it's best not to speak right now." She said before looking back at Cal

I watched Cal take a deep breaths calming down just a bit and he gently but quickly gave me plant as he stayed silent for a bit longer. Man what I said must have triggered some serious PTSD or something.

"Ok. First of all, DON'T ever mention the name Set to me. I know it's only been 2 years but what he's done is...I... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Inmo." Cal said curling up into a ball. Plant had woken up and moved going and was hugging Cal. Cal wasn't crying but he looked like he could at any moment.

"How about we go inside and I'm not going to force you to explain." I said and Cal nodded.

Miss P had already brought in the tea stuff and the couch was covered in blankets. Miss P as much as David calls her a crazy old bat I still find it nice to have her company even though sometimes she can be a bit... weird. Ya weird.

"Hey man sorry for triggering that." I said sitting down.

"It's fine I should really get over it anyways." Cal said before running his hand over his cheek.

"Something that makes you reach like that doesn't go away that easily you know." Miss P said

"I'm well aware" Cal said

"Well I guess to change to the topic. What you saw was me talking with my god Galrin about some personal stuff. Galrin is a water god that was sealed inside me so that I have access to their power but they can't go and do what they want to do which is kill people." I said

"Sounds like a similar explanation that Bryan gave me of the Seductive Rose." Cal said

"Seductive Rose?" I asked

"Ya I personally have never met this thing but Bryan has a horrible past with it and he takes it as his duty to get rid of this sword. Yes it's a sword that somehow has its own being." Cal explained

"Sounds like trouble" Miss P said

"Ya the Seductive Rose apparently likes to forcefully take the power of the demigods around." Cal said

"A criminal to put it simply. Awesome-" I said before hearing a lot of banging on my door before the door gets kicked off it's hinges.

"LUCAS! Why is Plant crying!!" David said bargaining in with only his boxers

"Ok first of all put some clothes on and second it'll take some explaining." I said

"Ok then start explaining" David said

I sighed as Miss P just sipped her tea and before I could explain Cal spoke up

"We where talking about these visions we got and the one Lucas saw is a bit personal for me and a bad memory so Plant must have been upset that I was upset so I'm sorry." Cal said

"You...you guys got visions as well?" David asked lightening up.

"Umm yes?" I said

"Oooo tea well then come sit sit! I also got a vision so let's talk about them except yours Raindrop." Miss P said as she tried to hand David a cup

"Get your tea away from me you crazy old bat!" David yelled backing up

"Don't run otherwise I'll chase you." Miss P said and David stopped. Both David and I know what she's capable of so David groaned before going and sat down

"Ok I'll got first!" Miss P said

I took a deep breath. This is going to be a long day.

*Pat's pov*

I finally did it. I managed to take control over my body without Allumos's help. Now in control I went off to find this strange feeling. While walking I met up with Richie.

"Allumos? No your Pat O'Connor." Ritchie said

"Yup. I decided to take control because this annoying feeling won't leave me alone." I said

"You too?" Ritchie said

"Wait you can feel it too?" I asked

"Well I guess so how does it feel?" Ritchie asked

"Like something familiar but at the same time something very different." I said

"Oh so we're feeling different things." Ritchie said

"Wait what do you feel?" I asked

"Something demonic. Like a familiar demonic but at the same time so different." Ritchie said

"I see. God of course something just had to happen when the GMG is just starting." I said pitching my nose

"It's always been around this time of year. Last year with Grand Master Jonathan." Ritchie said

"Ya I still don't like that year much." I said

"Ya. Also how have you been holding up with the demigods." Ritchie asked

"I've been good Magnus is quite but she has tried to stab Michael, still wants a bit of payback for sending them through the shadows. Bryan and Inpu are love birds and very very protective of Artemis. Especially as of recently which I don't understand. What about you?"

"Ah well Ricarro and Momiji have been love birds as well Davis reminds me too much of David, Lychee is a bit nicer to be around but he's a troublemaker when he's bored. It's also really strange to think of him as human when he's also demon same with Ricarro. Lastly Cal, most definitely calmest but most stressed out of the bunch but he's bonded with a lot of the guild." Ritchie said

"That's good- I better get going the presence I'm following just started to move." I said

"Alright I won't hold you back. Go" Ritchie said and I nodded

We both split ways running to our own destination.

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